Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, February 20, 2023, in the NFV High School PAC, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: LaCreasha Schultz, Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin,
Emily Koch, Julie Ahrens, Amanda Rodgers, & Richard Klosterman. Student member: Brooklyn Hoey
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Lori Westhoff, Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, & Chris Miller, Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Barb Schroeder, Christy Radloff, Donna Bausch, Molly J Holthaus, Mickey Weidemann, Lisa Schneider, Ashley Henderson, Gabby Dobbs, Annette Weber, Kirk Jacobsen, Holli Cannon, Jade Daughton, Brittinae Nelson, Jessica White, Molli Steffens, Mallory Meyer, Renee Larson, Dawn Halverson, Kris Wickham, Kris Peterson, Royale Torkelson, Stephanie Vagts, Shanda Miller, Jenna Fassbinder, Kevin Weidemann, Jacob Pederson, & Angie Boehm; Patrons: Mala Erickson, Denise Menne, Heather Staley, Dan Winter, Andrea Scott, Sara Swensen, Heather Davis, Bayley Shirley, Kristina Lane, Gary Schlawin, & Kate Miller.
President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm and Rich Klosterman led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Koch, Klosterman, Schlawin, Cummings, Ahrens, Rodgers, & Schultz.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of Bayley Shirley – MS Social Studies, and Janell Diemer – WUE paraprofessional, Calendar Public Hearing switched to March 13th meeting. Schlawin/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Public Forum: President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of January 9, 2023, regular meeting and February 9, 2023, special meeting.
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations/Retirements: Janeane Vorwald – paraprofessional/van driver, Jenni Thompson – MS Volleyball, Emily Kullen – WUE preschool teacher, and Richard Woodard – cook.
- Approve New Hires: Chandler Njus – Elementary teacher, Nicole Decker – Elementary teacher, Karissa Butikofer – Elementary special education teacher, Denise Menne – MS English teacher, Chris Miller – HS Principal, Janell Diemer – WUE paraprofessional, Jared Tilleraas – Varsity G BB Coach, Brent Kuker – Asst Track Coach, and Bayley Shirley – MS Social Studies teacher.
- Volunteer Coach: Steve Schroeder – Boys Golf
- Gifts: Knights of Columbus – $142.80 for special education, West Union Lions – $150 to speech, Karla Daniels – $100 for speech
Cummings/Schlawin Motion Carried 7-0
Student Ex-Officio Member Brooklyn Hoey reported on Mental Health Awareness week, the ending of winter sports seasons, participation at State events, and speech activities.
Principals’ reports included great winter seasons in bowling, basketball, and wrestling, completion of Dollars for Scholars applications, scheduling for next year, conferences, FFA week, and LIM work.
Curriculum Director reported on a new curriculum for Mathematics as well as a new phonics curriculum for K-3. These will be paid with ESSER funds.
Business Manager Thoms reported on preparing for negotiations as well as completing the certified budget.
Superintendent’s report included 3% SSA signed by the state, CPI current rate at 6%, Chapter 12 flexibility bill changes that affect PK-12 school districts, and Booster Club plans for the baseball restroom/concession stand construction for this spring.
Supt Griffith presented the bids received for 2 school buses – a 65-passenger diesel with hydraulic brakes ($122,094) and a 65-passenger diesel with air brakes ($122,125). These prices include $2,000 each for 2 trade-ins. The Board approved the bus bids from School Bus Sales in the amount of 244,219. Schultz/Rodgers Motion Carried 7-0
The NFVEA and NFVSPA opening proposals were tabled to a future meeting.
The Board discussed the consideration of closing Fayette Elementary at the end of the FY23 school year. Klosterman stated that this is a tough decision to make. The facility is nice but on the budget side, there are empty rooms at the other buildings and we can save funds by closing it. Although many are upset about this, the board needs to be fiscally responsible. Klosterman made the motion to close Fayette Elementary. Cummings seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Schlawin, Schultz, Cummings, Klosterman, Rodgers, Nays: Ahrens Motion Carried 5-1 Koch abstained
The Board discussed the consideration of grade alignment in the FY24 school year. Schlawin made the motion to have K-3 in each elementary building and 4-8 at the Valley site. Schultz seconded. Discussion followed. Koch would like to keep K-4 at each school and move 5th grade to the Valley site. Rodgers feels that we need to put all students together to unify the students and not move special ed students to different buildings. Bussing is tough and kids will survive. Koch stated that this should be a goal in the next few years and the board will work towards this. Schlawin agreed and wants to start out now with the K-3 at their own buildings. Klosterman feels that we should have K-3 in each building after he looked at the elementary buildings and was surprised at how much room there is at the Valley site. When Rodgers asked about the multi-aging classrooms, Mr. Gearhart reported that this will be done at the end of this year regardless of what the alignment decision will be. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Schlawin, Schultz, Cummings, Ahrens, Klosterman, Nays: Rodgers None Motion Carried 5-1 Koch abstained
The Board approved holding a public hearing on the FY24 calendar at the March 13th regular meeting. Schlawin/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Cummings asked about a facilities update – Supt Griffith stated that this will be on the agenda in March
Motion to adjourn at 6:07 pm. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board went into an exempt session for negotiations and strategic planning per Iowa Code 20.17(3).
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Emily Koch, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager