Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, April 12, 2021 in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin,
LaCreasha McNeese, Carolyn Roys, & Emily Koch. Marc
Rue was absent. Student Members: Nathan Crooker &
Kailee Ginger. Baylie Shrubb & Madison Clausen were
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms, Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Travis Elliott, & Lori Westhoff, Staff: Alex Snyder, Shanda Miller, Christie Radloff, Barbara Schroeder, Melissa Schupbach, Amy Ihde, Gabby Dobbs, & Brittinae Nelson, Public: Megan Molseed – media
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6 p.m. and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Schlawin, McNeese, Koch, & Roys. Rue was absent.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of new hire Todd Conway – .5 ELL Teacher and volunteer coach Justin Heins – baseball. Schlawin/Roys Motion Carried 6-0
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the March 8, 31, & April 6, 2021 regular & special meetings
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Quentin Quandahl – Valley site custodian, Krystal Gronowski – HS para, & Lindsey Sorenson – Wrestling cheerleading coach
- Approve New Hire: Trey Kuhens – Asst baseball coach & Todd Conway – .5 ELL
- Involuntary Transfer: Justin Heins – .5 Valley site PE
- Transfer: Amy Ihde – .5 Family Consumer Science
- Volunteer Coach – Justin Heins – baseball
- Gifts: HS landscaping plants – Class of 1984
Ahrens/Roys Motion carried 6-0
Student Ex-Officio member reports were received. Kailee reported that the student council is planning a Spring Fling, seniors are starting to get senioritis, students are grateful for the sense of normality, prom will be held on April 24th, and Spring sports are in full swing. Nathan reported that the variety show is this Friday, FFA will travel to Des Moines next week for their convention, students 16 & older are eligible to get their COVID shots and the student council blood drive will be April 30th.
Principal Reports were received. Principal Westhoff reported that ISASP testing is complete at the HS. The Capstone committee needs a bit more time and will present a report in May. Graduation is May 29th at 7 pm – everyone is welcome with masks required. Allison Ney will be fully taking over for Danceline next year. 3 students qualified for all state speech. Vocal and band solos and ensembles will be virtual. Principal Elliott reported that ISASP testing started at the elementaries today. Paras were celebrated this past month. Transitioning students for next year is currently in process.
Curriculum report was received. ISASP testing is in full swing and MAP testing will begin in mid-April.
Business Manager Thoms gave an update of the CARES Act funds, amending the FY21 Certified Budget, and the FY20 Audit Report.
Superintendent’s report included the following:
COVID Protocol: NFV’s current COVID protocols are working to keep our students in school. Therefore, we will continue to keep our mask mandate through the end of the school year.
Free meals through 9/30/21: Through the recent American Rescue Plan Act, free meals will continue through September 30, 2021, which only applies to the basic meal for students.
Staff Recognition: This is usually on the final work day – this year we will have this on May 26th at 2 pm so our early retirees may attend.
WUE project: Casper Plumbing is the main contractor for this project. Some additional work and contracts are still in progress on our alternatives. Geothermal work will start next week.
News from Des Moines: Legislation for Virtual Snow days has not passed this session. ESSER III funds announcement will be on Tuesday, April 13th. NFV will receive $1,302,766 with 20% tied to student learning loss. Lots of strings are attached to this.
The Board set a Public Hearing for a FY21 Budget Amendment due to increased spending for ESSER/GEERS and the start of the WUE HVAC project. This hearing will take place on May 10th at 6:00 pm. Schlawin/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
Public Hearing on FY22 Budget: President Cummings opened the public hearing on the 2021-22 Certified Budget at 6:18 pm. No public comments were received and the hearing was closed at 6:21 pm.
The Board approved the FY22 Certified Budget. Roys/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the following resolution for the Budget Guarantee: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the North Fayette Valley Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2021-2022 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Ahrens/Roys Motion Carried 6-0
The Board held the second and final reading of Board Policies #505.5 – Graduation Credits The Board reviewed the previous changes of 1 – requiring World History of 2 credits & an elective social studies of 1 credit for the Class of 2024 & beyond and 2 – requiring Financial Literacy of 1 credit for the Class of 2022 & beyond. Discussion was held on eliminating the ISASP scores as well as ACT/SAT scores currently used in determining the diploma level. The Board approved the changes. Koch/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the FY20 Audit. Ahrens/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the Timberline Agreement for Medicaid Billing. Roys/Schlawin Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented the recommendation for salary increases for Administrative – 0.5% and Department Heads – 0.75% along with Superintendent Secretary – 1.5%. The Board approved these salary increases. Roys/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved sending out contracts and work agreements for FY22. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the IA Local Government Risk Pool Agreement. This is a continuation of the current program allowing us to pay for natural gas through the Management fund. This contract represents an increase of $8,649.09 from the current year. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the FY22 AEA Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for food service and custodial supplies. Schlawin/Roys Motion Carried 6-0
The Board held the first reading of the 600 series board policies. Discussion was held on policy wording changes, deletion or addition of current policies, etc.
The Board approved the cooperative sharing agreement with Decorah CSD for swimming. Koch/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented a request for attendance center change for FY22. The Board approved the request for the attendance center change with the parents providing transportation. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved technology purchases for student use computers in the amount of $123,060 for 140 computers. ESSER III funds will be used for this expense. Schlawin/Roys Motion Carried 6-0
DISCUSSION Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 21 at 4:30 pm to finalize the bond sale as well as the Superintendent evaluation.
Motion to adjourn at 6:51 pm. Ahrens/Roys Motion Carried 6-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager