April 27, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes



Minutes, Special Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, April 27, 2020 in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Emily Koch , LaCreasha McNeese, Eileen Schlawin & Marc Rue   Carolyn Roys was absent


Others: Superintendent: Duane Willhite, Business Manager: Sue Thoms; Public: Megan Molseed – media & others electronically.


President Cummings called the Special Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Koch, McNeese, Rue & Schlawin  Roys was absent.


Motion to approve the agenda:  Schlawin/Koch   Motion carried 6-0 




Supt Willhite presented the proposal for the required learning for high school students starting on May 4th until the end of the school year on May 27th.  Currently 20% of high school students are participating in the voluntary program.  If a closure is issued in the fall, it is likely that the only option will be required.  Principal Wolverton reviewed the proposal.  Students that do not have a passing grade at the end of the year will get an incomplete.  Students can choose a letter grade or a ‘P’ for pass.  If they opt for the ‘P’ it will not impact their grade point average.  Special Ed students will have adjustments made to the IEP’s with supports being offered.  Principal Wolverton said that about 30 districts are going with this option.  Cummings and Schlawin asked about additional guidance being offered to parents?  A website has been set up to offer tips and support for the parents.  There will be more accessibility for parents.  


The Board approved the approval of moving toward required learning for high school students for the remainder of the school year starting May 4th.  Ahrens/Schlawin    Motion Carried 5-1 (Rue)


Supt Willhite reviewed the proposal for awarding credits for the high school seniors.  For passing work that was put in through March 13, students will receive full credit.  Seniors that still have Capstone projects out there will still have time to get this done.  


The Board approved the proposal for awarding credits for seniors for the semester.  Schlawin/Ahrens    Motion Carried 6-0


Supt Willhite reviewed options for graduation for this current school year.  These include Graduation on June 27th with a backup date of July 18th if restrictions on gatherings are lifted.  If restrictions are still in place, an alternative ceremony will be held.  Awards night will be recorded and released on June 5th.  A parade of seniors is being planned through the district on May 30.  Senior salutes will be posted to NFV HS social media starting May 1.  Senior signs will be on public display for a senior drive in the near future.  Prom options are being looked at including a virtual grand march to be released on YouTube.  


The Board approved the plans for graduation.  Schlawin/McNeese  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.  Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0


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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager