April 8, 2019 Board Minutes


Lindsey Schultz        Duane Willhite                Julie Ahrens

Megan Molseed        Todd Wolverton            Stacy Cummings

Denice Vandersee        Travis Elliott                Dawn Daughton

Elaine Hanson            Micah Gearhart            Carolyn Roys

Christy Radloff                                Marc Rue

Shanda Miller                               

Barb Schroeder        BUSINESS MANAGER

Neal Bentley            Sue Thoms

Zach Robrock

Cody Duehring        BOARD SECRETARY

Chloe Cummings        Carole Nading

Ty Stee

Max Gibson

Sue Winter



Regular Board Meeting

Board President Cummings called the regular meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education to order at 6:03 p.m. in the NFV High School Library, 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA. 52175 and Vice President Daughton led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton, Roys, and Rue. Absent: Schlawin and Soderquist. Ex-officio student members attending: Chloe Cummings, Ty Stee and Max Gibson.


Motion to approve the agenda with addition of High School Fire Alarm and Lawn Care bids under New Business. Ahrens/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.


Students Zach Robrock  and Cody Duehring presented the board with a lighted sign that was created by Mr. Bentley’s Industrial Tech class using the new plasma cutter. The sign will hang in the NFV high school. The Board expressed their appreciation to the students.


The Board heard three abbreviated Cap Stone presentations from Chloe Cummings (Forensic Science), Ty Stee (Football injuries) and Max Gibson (Prime Minister of Sealand). The students each indicated the value they received from doing the research and making their presentation and also gave some suggestions for improvement to the Cap Stone project.  


Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of March 11, 2019 – Regular Meeting
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Contracts and resignations
      1. Resignations:  Bobe Lape – P.E., Football, Softball, and MS Track Coach, Bert Schlitter – Bus driver. Retiring: Julianne Meyer – Large Group and Individual Speech Instructor.
      2. Contracts:
        1. Transfers: Rick Taylor to High School (FT) Megan DeBack to .75 (or more) ESL and Cassie Gruman -Secondary Tag (transfer request), Stephanie Ellis – FT spanish, Mike Elsbernd-2nd grade (WUE), Ashley Henderson – 4th grade (Fayette), Gabby Wittenberg – 1st grade (Valley site)
        2. Volunteer Coaches: Jim Calkins-Golf
        3. Secondary Social Studies – David Reimer
        4. Wrestling Cheer Coach for FY20 – Lindsey Richard
    5. Receive and approve gifts. (none)

Ahrens/Rue. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to open the public hearing on the Certified 2020 Budget. Ahrens Roys. Motion carried 5-0. President Cummings opened the public hearing at 6:13 p.m.

Superintendent Willhite and Business Manager Thoms discussed the certification paperwork that was included in the packet with the Board of Education.There were no verbal or written comments from the public.


Motion to close the public hearing. Daughton/Ahrens.Motion carried 5-0.


President Cummings closed the public hearing at 6:15 p.m.


Motion to approve the Certified FY2020 budget as presented. Roys/Daughton.            Motion carried 5-0



Written principal and curriculum director reports were discussed. WUE Principal, Travis Elliott updated the board regarding the TigerHawk preschool program which will be serving only 4 year olds and Early Childhood Special Education students beginning the 2020-21 school year.


Superintendent report included updates on:

  • Solar Projects update



Facilitated by Superintendent Willhite, the board took part in the book study of the book Leader in Me (chapter 4)



Motion to approve the design for the baseball field access improvements with the ability to adjust the project as needed. Ahrens/Rue. Motion carried 5-0.



Motion to approve the shared contract with Starmont for a Head Cook as presented.

Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.    (Carol Junge will spend 2 days at Starmont and 3 days at the Valley site)


Motion to approve the Special Education Contract with Waverly Shell Rock Lied Center.

Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve the phone bid from Northeast Iowa Telephone at a cost of $53,401. Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0. (This system will allow callers one number access to the  entire NFV District and allow staff to communicate district wide by using extension numbers).


Motion to approve the bid from Hawkeye Communications for $89,168.62 to update the fire alarm system. Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve the AEA Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract for the 2019-2020 school year as presented. Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve the four 2020 Early Graduation applications as presented.

Motion carried.


Motion to approve the potential Graduate list pending completion of all requirements.

Roys/Rue. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve field trips to Des Moines for a Career Opportunities Conference, 4th grade to Calmar to see the “Iowa Dairy Story”, and NCRC testing in Decorah. Ahrens/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve the purchase of a Ropes/Rocks Bridge from Boland Recreation in the amount of $19,713 for the Fayette Elementary playground. Daughton/Roys. Ayes: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton and Roys. Nays: Rue. Motion carried 4-1.


Motion to approve FY2020 Certified staff contracts as presented. Roys/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0. (1.5% increase)


Motion to approve FY2020 salaries for Exempt employees as presented. Ahrens/Daughton.

Motion carried 5-0.


Motion to approve FY2020 contracts for Exempt Employees with a 1.5% increase. Roys/Daughton. Ayes: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton and Roys. Nays: Rue. Motion carried 4-1.


Motion to accept the 3 year contract with Osmundson Lawn Care for the mowing of all NFV school sites. Ahrens/Daughton. Motion carried 5-0.


The Board performed a first read on the following:

  • Revision of Policy 204 – Code of Ethics
  • Adoption: Policy 401.6 – Limitations to Employment References
  • 705.5 & 705.5R1 – Expenditures For a Public Purpose.


Discussion/items for the next regular meeting on May 13, 2019, 6:00 p.m. at the NFV MS Media Center, 23493 Canoe Road, Elgin, IA 52141 will include the Public Hearing for Budget Amendment. The Board was reminded they will have their picture taken for the yearbook prior to the meeting.


Motion to adjourn. Rue/Daughton. Motion carried 5-0.


The board adjourned their regular meeting at  8:18 p.m.


______________________________        ____________________________

Board President                    Board Secretary