Minutes, Special Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, April 8, 2024, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin
Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris
Marcks. Student members: Avery Donnelly & Brooklyn
Hoey; Superintendent: Joe Griffith; Business Manager:
Kassie Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary: Susan
Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris
Miller; Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Shanda
Miller, Holli Cannon, Stephanie Vagts; Media: Sharon
Drahn; Patrons: Gina Kuker
President Koch called the Special Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.
Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Nelson-Lerch, Klosterman, Marcks, Koch, McGrane & Schultz. Klosterman led the board and audience in the pledge of allegiance.
The agenda was approved as presented. Klosterman/Nelson-Lerch Motion Carried 7-0
Motion was made by McGrane, seconded by Schultz to open the public hearing. Motion carried 7-0
President Koch provided opening comments regarding the public hearing.
No written comments were submitted and no oral comments were given.
Motion was made by Nelson-Lerch, seconded by Marcks to close public hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
Motion to adjourn at 5:32 pm. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
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Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager