Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, August 12, 2024, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin
Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris
Marcks. Superintendent: Joe Griffith; Business
Manager: Kassie Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary:
Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott;
Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Mark Branch,
Kory Kuhens, Shanda Miller; Media:Sharon Drahn;
Patrons: None
President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:31 pm.
Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, McGrane, Marcks, Nelson-Lerch, & Koch. Directors Klosterman & Schultz were absent. Director Rodgers led the pledge of allegiance.
President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.
The agenda was approved as presented. McGrane/Rodgers Motion Carried 5-0
Public Forum:
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of July 15, 2024, Regular Meeting
- Review/approve invoices (Reviewed by Kirsten Nelson-Lerch)
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations/Retirements: None
- Transfers:None
- Approve New Hires: Kelli Kovarik- Esports; Bayley Shirley- MS Volleyball; Teressa Woltzen- Paraprofessional; Mariana Solis- Paraprofessional; Marty Jacobs- Custodian
- Volunteer Coaches: Gary Bemiss – Football; Paul Amundson – Drumline; Tracy Nuss – HS Cross Country
- Receive and Approve Gifts: Nelson Family Fund
McGrane/Nelson-Lerch Motion Carried 5-0
Transportation Director, Mark Branch, informed the board on the utilization of the bus route software, driver updates, and preparation for the upcoming first day of school.
Maintenance Director, Kory Kuhens, discussed the amount of work completed over the summer and an update on finishing the installation of the new equipment in the Valley campus kitchen.
The Technology department presented information regarding the new Apple devices as well as the new security cameras installed throughout the district.
High School Principal, Mr. Miller was not present, but submitted a report to the board providing information on summer projects and the upcoming school year events: Freshman orientation, Open house, fall activities, and the German exchange. The modified attendance policy was also presented. Middle School Principal, Mr. Gearhart, reported on wrapping up the 23-24 school year and gearing up for 24-25. He was able to attend the SAI conference with great takeaways. Fall athletics, Leader In Me, and the attendance statistics for summer school were also discussed. Elementary Principal, Mr. Elliott reported on summer school attendance, updates on preschool, and getting schedules ready for the upcoming school year.
Curriculum Director Nefzger updated the board on the focus of professional development, new teacher orientation, and the Kern Family Foundation grant offered by UNI Institute for Educational Leadership to support training from Dr. Matt Townsley regarding standards based grading.
Business Manager Stansbery reported on working with the audit team to finalize our FY24 financials, initial comparisons for revenue/expenditures for FY23 and FY24, onboarding new staff members, and work being done on the Certified Annual Report.
Superintendent Griffith updated the board on potential revisions to the Facilities Use Form, IASB Conference, IASB Legislative priorities, Inflation Reduction Act IRS update, and the school safety grant. Mr. Griffith also discussed the potential junior firefighter program, local city and county law enforcement programs, and staff updates for the upcoming school year.
The board approved the second reading of the 500 and 501 policy series updates. McGrane/Marcks Motion carried 5-0
The board appointed Rich Klosterman as the IASB Delegate for the Delegate Assembly in November. Nelson-Lerch/Marcks Motion carried 5-0
The board approved the contract with NICC regarding dual credit enrollment for North Fayette Valley students. Nelson-Lerch/Rodgers Motion carried 5-0
The board approved the purchase of lunch tables. McGrane/Rodgers Motion carried 5-0
The board approved the First Reading of the 502, 503, and 504 Series policy series updates.
Marcks/Nelson-Lerch Motion carried 5-0
The board approved the Food Service Agreement with Northeast Iowa Community Action.
McGrane/Marcks Motion carried 5-0
The board approved the NFV 2024-2025 Goals as presented by Curriculum Director Nefzger. McGrane/Rodgers Motion carried 5-0
No discussion.
Motion to adjourn at 6:46pm. Nelson-Lerch/Rodgers Motion Carried 5-0
______________________________ _____________________________
Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager