August 13, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes



Minutes, Special Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, August 13, 2020 in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education:    Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings (remotely), Carolyn Roys,

LaCreasha McNeese, Emily Koch, Eileen Schlawin.  Marc Rue was absent


Others:            Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue

Thoms; Principal: Lori Westhoff.


President Cummings called the Special Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:34 p.m.

Motion to approve the agenda:  Ahrens/Schlawin  Motion Carried 6-0

Schlawin made a motion to go into closed session, seconded by Koch.  Ayes: Ahrens, Schlawin, Cummings, McNeese, Koch, & Roys  Nays:  none   Motion Carried 6-0

The Board went into closed session to conduct a student discipline hearing per Iowa Code 21.5(e) at 5:35 p.m.

The Board came out of closed session at 5:58 p.m.

The Board approved allowing the student in question to attend school based on the criteria that has been established.  Ahrens/Roys  Motion Carried 5-0 (Koch abstained)

The Board adjourned the meeting at 5:59 p.m.  Roys/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0


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Stacy Cummings, President                Sue Thoms, Business Manager