Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, February 14, 2022, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52142
NFV Board of Education: LaCreasha Schultz, Julie Ahrens, Amanda Rodgers, Eileen
Schlawin, Stacy Cummings, Richard Klosterman, & Emily Koch. Student Members: Nathan Crooker, Sophie Durnan, & Claire Britt
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart Travis Elliot, & Lori Westhoff; Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Kathy Hageman, Ashley Henderson, Darin Johnston, Jessica White, Elly Lehs, Molly Steffens, Shaylie Hammel, Morgan Menne, Kim Hopp-Lau, Tina Halverson, Sherri Imoehl, Bill Clark, Barb Schroeder, Christie Radloff, Lauren Falck, Jessica Bushman, Emily Kullen, & Jon Kullen; Public: Keith Kovarik, Rita Kovarik, Carter Harris, Marcia Miles, & Laila Pelds.
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Koch (arrived late), Cummings, Schultz (arrived late), & Schlawin
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of a gift from KC’s for NFV Special Olympics, Communications – Student Led Conferences & Leader in Me, New Business – Approve FY23 Calendar, & open enrollment request. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 5-0
Public Forum: President Cummings welcomed and invited comments from the public.
The NFV HS Musical Theater performed for the Board. This group includes Claire Britt, Mady Ney, Emma Kovarik, Keely Krambeer, Zeke Stansbery, Keagan McGrane, and Elliot Maire.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
Minutes of the January 10 regular meeting
Review/approve invoices
Approve Financial Reports
Approve Resignations: Trey Kuhens – Asst Baseball, Sherri Imoehl – Teacher/Instructional Coach
Receive & Approve Gifts: NFV Elementary milk accounts – Julie Creery, STEM donation – Norplex, & NFV Special Olympics – KC’s.
Ahrens/Rodgers Motion Carried 6-0
Student-Led Conferences – Kim Hopp-Lau presented to the Board the leadership booklets that her students use to lead the conferences with their parents and teacher.
Tina Halverson presented Leader In Me from the West Union Elementary setting. Each student, classroom, and grade level have WIGS – Wildly Important Goals. Ashley Henderson presented Leader In Me from the Fayette Elementary setting.
Nathan Crooker reported Student Council just completed a Hat Day donation that raised over $4,000 for a student with medical issues from MFL. QPR(Question, Persuade, Refer) training was held last week regarding suicide presentation. Sophie Durnan reported that Large Group Speech has 4 groups going to state and Individual speech is currently underway. Girls BB has advanced in district play, 3 wrestlers are going to state, bowling has a district match tomorrow, and Boys BB starts district play tonight.
Principal reports were received. Principal Gearhart reported on the Measure of Academic Progress testing that was conducted recently. On the Elementary side, students showed growth from last Spring to this Fall in their assessments. Valentines Day parties were held today. Principal Westhoff reported on QPR and finishing up CPR training for juniors and seniors. Four students qualified for a career pathway experience in welding. Special Education teachers are working on opportunities for qualifying students after high school through work in the community. A regional center is in the planning stages at NICC Calmar Campus for college classes and opportunities. Principal Elliott reported that the Fayette Elementary students went sledding at Big Rock last week. The TCLC program is serving over 25 students each night after school. FAST testing was just held.
Curriculum Director Nefzger reported on continued professional development – QPR training at the HS was paid for with GEERS II funding. Healthy Relationships & Youth Mental Training for students will also be paid with this funding. Continuing to prepare for upcoming assessments.
Business Manager Thoms reported that work on the FY23 Certified Budget is in process.
Superintendent’s report included the following: Operation sharing continues to be discussed with neighboring districts for certain positions available for this funding stream. This is one of the few ways we can increase our revenue.
WUE HVAC project is progressing well. The HS HVAC project is still being developed.
Administration is continuing to search for a Spanish teacher with no success. Online options are being researched.
The Upper Iowa Conference and the Northeast Iowa Conference superintendents recently met to discuss the future of our organizations. We will work with our coaches to identify what will benefit NFV in the long term.
PK-5 staff have met to discuss grade alike centers. A committee was formed and continues to study this topic. Transportation is a real concern.
The State Legislative session has been very interesting. Supt Griffith has been advocating for a minimum of 3% SSA. Transparency issues were reviewed along with school choice.
Amanda Rodgers has agreed to join the negotiations team.
Supt Griffith announced that Dr. Don Mueller passed away. He was a former NF Superintendent, Chief Administrator at Keystone AEA, and long-time friend of education.
Public Hearing on FY23 Calendar: President Cummings opened the public hearing on the 2022-23 Calendar at 6:14 pm. First semester finishes before Christmas break. 2 snow days are included and additional days will be remote learning. Remote learning days will not be counted into the mandated 1080 hours. Molli Steffens noted that teachers are going to miss the work day between semesters in order to prepare grades. The hearing was closed at 6:20 pm.
The Board approved the FY23 Calendar with a start date of August 24th with the first semester ending before Christmas break. Discussion was held on moving a PD day for teachers to get grades done as well as the convenience for students to have the classes done before break. Klosterman/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0.
The NFVEA presented their opening proposal for negotiations. Darin Johnston and Kim Hopp-Lau. They are asking for a 1 year settlement, retaining the existing salary schedule, and reinstating language items.
Supt Griffith presented the NFV opening proposal for negotiations with the NFVEA. The Board is proposing a 1 year settlement, willingness to discuss language proposals, revampment of the current salary schedule, and offering consistent wage increases and competitive wages.
The Board held the first reading of Board Policy Series 100. Supt Griffith went over the changes to the following: changing #100 – Legal Status of the School District, #101 – Educational Philosophy of the District, #102 Equal Educational Opportunity, #102-R1 – Grievance Procedures, #102-E1 – Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, #104 – Anti-Bullying/Harassment , #104 R1 – Anti-Harassment and Bullying Investigation Procedures, deleting #103 – Instructional Organization, renumbering #105 – Long-Range Needs Assessment to #103 and #105-R1 – Long-Range Needs Assessment to #103-R1, and adding #102-E2 – Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination, #102-E3 – Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, #105 – Assistance Animals, and #106 – Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited..
Supt Griffith stated that NFV has been asked if we would receive German exchange students next fall. Discussion followed on when NFV would have to commit to sending our students to Germany, coordination of the exchange, and costs. The Board approved starting the process to receive students from Germany in the fall of 2022. Koch/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Supt Griffith proposed offering Early Retirement for certified staff, up to 5 staff, at the end of FY 22. The Board approved this offering with applications to be received by February 18, 2022. Schlawin/Rodgers Motion Carried 7-0.
The Board approved an open enrollment request to West Central for the remainder of the school year. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0.
Schlawin asked about a senior student presenting their capstone project next month.
Motion to adjourn at 6:48 pm. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager