February 9, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes




Minutes, Work Session of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Thursday, February 9, 2023, in the NFV HS Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Amanda Rodgers, Stacy Cummings, Emily 

Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, & Richard Klosterman    Eileen 

Schlawin was absent

Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith and Business Manager: Sue 



President Koch called the Special Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 4:00 pm and Rich Klosterman led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Cummings, Koch, & Schultz.   Schlawin was absent.  


Motion to Approve Agenda.  Ahrens/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0


Rodgers made the motion to go into closed session to evaluate the professional competency of Principal candidates per Iowa Code, section 21.5(i) with Schultz as the second.  Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Cummings, Koch, Schultz  Nays – None.  Motion Carried 6-0.  The Board went into closed session at 4:00 pm.


The Board came out of closed session at 8:31 pm.


Cummings made a motion to offer a contract to the preferred candidate for the High School Principal position.  Klosterman seconded.  Roll Call Vote:  Ayes – Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Cummings, Koch, Schultz  Nays – None.  Motion Carried 6-0.    


The Board discussed the possibility of sharing the Superintendent position with a school district in the area.  Klosterman made the motion to explore the opportunities for sharing the Superintendent position.  Schultz  seconded.  Motion Carried 6-0


Motion to adjourn at 8:37 pm. Cummings/Rodgers  Motion Carried 6-0


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Emily Koch, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager