January 13, 2020 Minutes



Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, 6:00 p.m., Monday, January 13, 2020 in the High School Library, 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175


NFV Board of Education:    Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Emily Koch LaCreasha McNeese, Carolyn Roys, Eileen Schlawin.  Marc Rue (absent)

Others:            Superintendent: Duane Willhite, HS Principal: Todd Wolverton, Business Manager: Sue Thoms, VE & MS Principal: Micah Gearhart, Fayette & WUE Principal, Travis Elliott, Curriculum Director; Betsy Nefzger, Superintendent Secretary, Susan Winter, Board Secretary, Carole Nading;  Student Ex-Officio Members: Taylor Ney, Public: Nicole Reynolds, Trace Woodward, Ruth Hagemann, Jonathan Scheide, Chris Lundgren, Casey McDermott, Megan Peterson

Media: Megan Molseed


President Cummings  called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present: Ahrens, Cummings, Koch, McNeese, Roys and Schlawin. Absent: Rue.


Motion to approve the agenda with the addition of purchase of bleachers for the baseball field under New Business item f. Ahrens/Roys. Motion carried 6-0. 


Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of the December 9, 2019 regular meeting
  • Minutes of the December 16, 2019 Work Session
  • Review/approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve New Hires: Assistant Large Group Speech – Denise Thompson, Assistant Softball – Rachael Strong and Bayley Monroe.
  • Receive and approve gifts from West Union Dental Associates for the activities program and from the Knights of Columbus for Special Olympics.

 Schlawin/Ahrens. Motion carried 6-0.


Student Ex-Officio Members reports included updates on: FFA & Speech Contests, Capstone work and presentations have started, Choir & Music performances and competitions are being worked on and there are several girls that are interested in participating in a Girls’ Soccer Program. 


Principals and Curriculum Director reports were in board packets for review and discussion.


Superintendent’s report included updates on

  • Day on the Hill – January 28, 2020 – Board members are to let Mr. Willhite know if they want to attend. IASB Regional Meeting at Sumner on February 4, 2020.



The Board rejected the bid of $1,000 for the 1957 Farmall M. Tractor.

There were no bids received for the piano. It will be sold at the district’s next garage sale.


Motion to approve the late open enrollment request as presented for just cause. Cummings/Schlawin. Motion carried 6-0.



Chris Lundgren and Casey McDermott, of the TigerHawk Wrestling Club were present to ask for clarification regarding the process and procedures used to make a donation of a wrestling mat.   

The process is that each Head Coach/Sponsor of individual sporting or activity programs provides Mr. Wolverton a list of the programs highest priorities. Mr. Woverton then sets the budget of the activities program and prioritizes the needs. He then works with the Booster Club to request support for the district needs of the programs, keeping in mind the need to be fair and equitable to each program.  

After discussion it was suggested that Mr. Wolverton research options for a new wrestling mat and give his recommendation for a planned purchase by the wrestling and booster clubs next month.  


The board entered a second discussion regarding the Valley Preschool Day Care Proposal.

There is room with modifications to host a 3 yr old classroom in the current Superintendent’s Office at the Valley Elementary site and to have a toddler and infant daycare facility in the current preschool room. Motion for the Valley Preschool to continue working with Levi Architecture in the planning of the space to provide these daycare/preschool options. Schalwin/Ahrens. Motion carried 6-0.  The cost for this renovation will be at the expense of the Valley Preschool.


Motion to approve the At-Risk Dropout Prevention Levy  request in the amount $375,285 as presented. Schlawin/Roys.  Motion carried 6-0. (This levy requires a 25% match from the General Fund – $125,095.)


The Board discussed possible options to continue offering the TCLC after school program at West Union Elementary. This program has been funded through a 21st Century Grant for the last 5 years.  Continuation of the program will be at the cost of the district. A small fee – yet to be determined – may be charged to cover those costs. No action was taken.


Motion to approve joining the Local Government Risk Pool membership as presented.

Schlawin/Ahrens. Motion carried 6-0. (This will be for one year after which the Board will re-evaluate continued membership.)


Mr. Wolverton presented a proposal to the Board outlining the procedures to start developing a girls soccer program with potential varsity competition in 2022.


Motion to approve the soccer procedures as presented to implement a Girls’ Soccer program beginning with an intramural program in the Spring of 2020 . Roys/Schlawin. Motion carried 6-0.


Motion to approve the purchase of 2 sets of bleachers and one ramp for the baseball field in the amount of $20,250 from PPEL funds. Roys/Koch. Motion carried 6-0. (This is half the cost of the bleachers with the Athletic Boosters donating the other half.)


Board President Cummings shared there were 9 candidates to date in the Superintendent Search  and interview committees are being formed. Timeline for hiring is as follows:

  • February 17th – Closed session at 6 p.m. for ranking  candidates
  • February 24th – Closed session for screening candidates
  • March 2 – Community/Staff Interviews followed by closed session @ 4:30 p.m. for interviews with the Board of Education.


Motion to adjourn. Roys/Cummings. Motion carried 6-0.


The Board adjourned their regular meeting at 8:28 p.m.


______________________________        _____________________________

Stacy Cummings, President                Carole Nading, Board Secretary