July 10, 2023 Minutes




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, July 10, 2023, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin, Emily Koch, Julie 

Ahrens, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, & Richard Klosterman.  

Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue 

Thoms and Kassie Stansbery;  Superintendent Secretary:  Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris Miller;  Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Amy Ihde, Tim Feldman, Julie Frieden, Kelli Kovarik, Brent Kuker, Shanda Miller; Patrons: Gina Kuker, Zeke Stansbery, Leslie Poppen

President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Klosterman, Schlawin, Cummings, Ahrens, Rodgers & Koch.  Schultz was absent.    


The agenda was approved as presented.  Ahrens/Cummings  Motion Carried 6-0


Public Forum:  President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.   


President Koch administered the Oath of Office for the new Business Manager Kassie Stansbery. 


Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes from June 12, 2023
  • Review/approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Resignations:  Harold Hanson – bus driver
  • Approve New Hires: Joyce Guyer – HS para,Jordan Pollock – TLC Mentor,Rachael Strong – TLC Mentor,Katie Wymer – VE Teacher/MS TAG,Susan Wenger – VELC Lead Teacher;Volunteer Coach:Rachael Strong – MS XC,Marc Hines – MS/HS Football,Gary Bemiss – HS Football,Koby Moore – HS Football


Klosterman/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0



Gina Kuker shared a short video presentation that was part of their farewell ceremony in Germany and gave a review of daily activities and schedules while emphasizing the importance of the exchange between NFV and Uberlingen.  Zeke Stansbery, NFV student, shared his educational experiences as well as cultural experiences as part of the exchange.  Brent Kuker shared about the importance of the connections between educators in foreign countries and the importance of the German hosts during their experience.  


Principals’ reports included an update from Micah Gearhart about facility progress both at the Valley campus and the Fayette Elementary.  Travis Elliott reported that they are continuing summer work in the WUE building.    


Business Manager Stansbery reported on the training process and how reporting to the board will look similar to how Business Manager Thoms has presented information. Business Manager Thoms reported on the training of Kassie Stansbery.  


Superintendent’s report included discussion regarding the legislative priorities from IASB and RSAI. The board decided on the following four IASB legislative priorities: student achievement, teacher professional development and retention, mental health, and supplemental state aid.

RSAI priorities were discussed. Update on security camera installation and which funds will be used. An update was given on TeachIowa converting to IowaWorks for job postings for the district.  The City of Fayette is still considering accepting the gifting of the Fayette elementary school.  They have expressed they may have a decision by October.  There have been a couple of interested buyers if the city of Fayette does not accept the offer. One of these buyers is interested in converting the property to efficiency apartments.  Homecoming has been set for the first week of October.  



The Board held and approved the second reading of the Board Policies #400-#407.5.  Changes proposed include dropping 401.6 and replace this with Limitation to Employment References, Drop 401.7-R1 as it is in 401.7,  remove 401.10-E1, move 401.12 to the staff handbook and replace with Employee Use of Cell Phones, remove 402.7,remove 403.6-R1, 403.6-R2, 403.6-E4 through E-11, remove 403.8 to handbook, remove 403.8-E1, remove 405’s until later, enforce 407.1 and put in the handbook.   Schlawin/Rodgers  Motion Carried 6-0



The Board held a Public Hearing regarding the transfer of carryover funds. President Koch opened the public hearing at 6:25pm.  No public comments were received.  President Koch closed the public hearing at 6:26pm.


The Board approved the following Resolution to transfer funds as follows:



WHEREAS, Iowa Code provides school districts greater flexibility to transfer excess funds

to other specified purposes;

WHEREAS, the Board has conducted a public hearing on July 10 th as required by Iowa

Code 298A.2(d).

WHEREAS, the Board has fulfilled the needs intended to be met by the Home School

Assistance Program under Iowa Code 299A.12 statutory requirements for all purposes listed in

299A.12(2) have been met and funding for all lawful requests for services and materials from

parents or guardians of students eligible to access the program has been provided and a

balance remains unencumbered and unobligated at the close of FY23.

WHEREAS, the Board has transferred the Home School Assistance Program under Iowa

Code 299A.12 ending balance of $182,903.33 of which $116,759.00 was transferred to the

Flexibility Fund from FY23.

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the North Fayette Valley Community School district

has determined that funds of $ 8,894.00 in the general fund shall be transferred to the student

activity fund to purchase protective and safety equipment required for any extracurricular

interscholastic athletic contest or competition that is sponsored or administered by an

organization as currently defined by Iowa Code and $ 107,865.00 in the general fund shall be

transferred to the capital projects fund to purchase macbooks and chrome books for students.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board acknowledges the transfer of such

funds to the Flexibility Fund within the General fund, and requires expenditures accordingly for

those purposes stated above, total amount of $116,759.00 to be available for expenditure

effective for FY24.

RESOLVED, that the Superintendent is directed to include the information concerning

such expenditure in the budget certified in accordance with Iowa Code 24; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Superintendent is directed to provide a copy of the Resolution to

the Iowa Department of Education as they prescribe and make such Resolution available for

any audit of the district performed under chapter 11.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board: Passed and approved this 10th day of

July, 2023.


Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the transferring of funds from the FLEX account to the Activity & SAVE funds.   Klosterman/Schlawin  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board authorized Treasurer Kassie Stansbery as Signatory on District Accounts to replace Sue Thoms.  Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the PK-4 and 5-12 Student Handbook changes for FY24.  Cummings/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the following increases to the substitute rates:  sub teacher – $130 & long term sub teacher – $160, sub para – $12.65 & long term sub para – $13.10, sub secretary – $12.75 & long term – $13.20, sub custodian – $13.25 & long term – $13.75, sub bus driver – $37.25 & long term – $37.25, sub cook – $12.30 & long term – $12.80.  Long term rates are after 10 consecutive days of subbing in the same position. Cummings/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board held and approved the first reading of the Board Policies #405.  Changes proposed include: 405.2 Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection-Update to match IASB,405.3 Licensed Employee Individual Contracts- Update to match IASB,405.7 Licensed Employee Transfers- Update to match IASB, 405.8  Licensed Employee Evaluation- Update to match IASB  405.8-E1 Teacher Evaluation Plan Handbook- This is in the handbook, delete from Policy 405.9  Licensed Employee Probationary Status- Update to match IASB,405.10 Public Employee Rights- Not an IASB policy. State Code governs this, recommending deleting.

Klosterman/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the 2024 Chicago Senior Trip.  Klosterman/Rodgers  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved technology and instrument recycling. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the proposal from Midwest Engineering for the designing of the potential kitchen renovations at the Valley campus.  Cummings/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0



Discussion was held about events being held at the PAC. 


Motion to adjourn at 7:10 pm.  Cummings/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0


______________________________ _____________________________

Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager