July 12, 2021 Minutes




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, July 12,  2021 in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52142


NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin, 

Marc Rue,  LaCreasha McNeese, & Emily Koch.  Carolyn Roys was absent.  Student Member:  Nathan Crocker

Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue 

Thoms; Superintendent Secretary:  Susan Winter; Principals: Travis Elliott, Chris Miller, & Lori Westhoff; Staff: Darin Johnston & Kim Hopp-Lau.


President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6 p.m. and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Schlawin, Koch, McNeese, & Rue.  Roys was absent.


The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of the following: New Hires – Julie Frieden as Asst XC Coach, and Jayde Blue as football cheer coach.   Rue/Ahrens  Motion Carried 5-0


Public Forum:    President Cummings welcomed and invited comments from the Public.   


Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of the June 14 regular meeting
  • Review/approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Resignations: Stephanie Ellis – Spanish, Leland Ellis – Bowling, & Rachael Strong – MS FFA
  • Approve New Hire: Jamie McGowan – Model/Mentor Teacher, Dale Bilden – bus driver, Brock Sorensen – MS/HS tech teacher, Annie Adams – .2 fte paraprofessional, Donna Kos – Spanish, Lorena Anderson – cook (5 hrs), Sarah Niles – building cleaner, Julie Frieden – HS assistant XC coach, & Jayde Blue – football cheer coach.
  • Transfers:  Pam O’Hare – HS foodservice, Micah Ruroden – head track coach, & Jon Kullen – head XC coach

  Ahrens/Schlawin  Motion carried 6-0



Nathan Crooker reported that softball is over for the season and baseball will go into district play this week.  Fall sports camps will start soon.  The Student Council is working on plans for the start of the school year and Homecoming.


Principal reports were received.   Asst. Principal Miller thanked everyone for being so helpful in his transition to NFV.  He is meeting with the coaches and working on schedules.  Principal Elliott reported that in spite of  last year’s ups and downs, discipline issues were lower and testing levels showed that students maintained knowledge.  Principal Westhoff reported that she has been busy filling positions – HS English will be filled by the start of the school year.        


Business Manager Thoms gave an update of the end of the year activities in the office.  


Superintendent’s report included the following: 

Work session:  A work session is scheduled for October 14th at 4:30 pm 

Facilities Committee:  We would like to set up a facilities committee consisting of members from the board, staff, and community.  The goal will be to prioritize our maintenance and update efforts.

Administrative Standards: New evaluation standards have been put in place.  This will require some policy updates.

WUE HVAC project:  The geothermal loops have been installed.  They are experiencing some delays in deliveries of product but keeping busy hanging gridwork.  For a project of this scope, we are making good progress.  

COVID/Start of school:  At this point the Iowa Department of Public Health guidance suggests we treat COVID cases as any childhood illnesses. This includes ill students being home for 10 days, however does not include quarantining of other students.  The district does not have the authority to track or mandate student COVID-19 vaccination. We will pay close attention to guidance as we approach the school year.



The Board held the final reading and approved the 2021-2022 Staff Handbook.  Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0



The Board approved the following resolution ordering an Election on the question of levying a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax.  Schlawin/McNeese  Roll Call Vote Unanimous.




WHEREAS, this Board has determined that an election should be called on the question of  levying a voter approved physical plant and equipment property tax. 


Section 1. That an election is called of the qualified electors of the North Fayette Valley  Community School District, in the Counties of Clayton and Fayette, State of Iowa, on Tuesday,  November 2, 2021. The following Proposition is approved, and the Secretary is authorized and  directed to submit and file the Proposition for the Ballot with the Fayette County Commissioner  of Elections at least 46 days prior to the election.  


Shall the Board of Directors of the North Fayette Valley Community School  District, in the Counties of Clayton and Fayette, State of Iowa, for the purpose of  purchasing and improving grounds; constructing schoolhouses or buildings and  opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings; purchasing of buildings; purchase,  lease or lease-purchase of technology and equipment; paying debts contracted for  the erection or construction of schoolhouses or buildings, not including interest on  bonds; procuring or acquisition of libraries; repairing, remodeling, reconstructing, improving, or expanding the schoolhouses or buildings and additions to existing  schoolhouses; expenditures for energy conservation; renting facilities under Iowa  Code Chapter 28E; purchasing transportation equipment for transporting students;  lease purchase option agreements for school buildings or equipment; purchasing  equipment authorized by law; or for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter  authorized by law, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years, to levy annually, a  voter-approved physical plant and equipment property tax not to exceed One Dollar  ($1.00) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of the assessed valuation of the taxable  property within the school district commencing with the levy for collection in the  fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, or each year thereafter? 


Section 2. That the notice of the election and ballot form used at the election shall be  prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Rules. 

Section 3. Fayette County, Iowa is the Controlling County for this election. 

Section 4. That the Election Board for the Voting Precinct or precincts be appointed by the  County Commissioner of Elections for each County conducting an election, not less than 15 days  before the election. 

Section 5. The Commissioner of Elections for each County conducting an election is  requested and directed to make publication of the Notice of Election at least once, not less than  four days nor more than twenty days prior to the election, in a newspaper that meets the  requirements of Iowa Code Section 49.53(2). 

Section 6. That the County Commissioner of Elections for each County conducting an  election shall prepare all ballots and election registers and other supplies as necessary for the  proper and legal conduct of this election and the Secretary of the Board is authorized and directed  to cooperate with these Commissioners of Elections in the preparation of the necessary  proceedings. 

Section 7. That the Secretary is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the  Office of the County Commissioner of Elections of the Controlling County to constitute the  “written notice” to the County Commissioner of Elections of the election date, required to be given  by the governing body under the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 47.


The Board approved a General Fund transfer to the Activities Budget in the amount of $20,000.   This will include the Pepsi fund balance as well as ESSER III funds.  Schlawin/McNeese  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved a change order for the WUE HVAC project for the extension of the mechanical mezzanine in the lunchroom.  Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


Supt Griffith presented a proposed Band/Vocal trip in the Spring to Washington DC.  The Board tabled this request asking for more information on cancellation policy, any increased costs, and types of fundraising for this trip.  Rue/Schlawin  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved the student handbook changes for FY22.  HS eligibility will be once a month with a week warning to get work in.  Infinite Campus will be much more user friendly in tracking grades and assignments.   Ahrens/Rue  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board held the first reading on  the following Board Policies: #505.5 – Graduation Requirements, #603.1 – Basic Instruction Program, #604.6 – NFV High School Contracted & PSEO Class Agreement, #606.5 – Student Field Trips and Excursions, #606.5-R1 – District Monetary Regulations, #606.5-R2 – District Sponsored Student Trip Policy,  #606.5-E1 – NFV School Field Trip Permission Form, #606.5-E2 – Student Medical Release Form for Overnight Out-of-State and Out-of-Country Travel, #606.5-E3 – NFV School District International Travel Consent Form, #609.4 – Musical Instrument Display Night, & #609.4-R1 – Conditions for Participation.



Registration information will be posted soon.  Will make sure that supply lists will be on the website as well.


Motion to adjourn at 6:55 pm.  Rue/McNeese  Motion Carried 6-0


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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager