Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, July 15, 2024, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin
Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris
Marcks. Superintendent: Joe Griffith; Business
Manager: Kassie Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary:
Susan Winter; Principal: Chris Miller; Curriculum Director:
Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Shanda Miller, Barb Schroeder,
Mallory Meyer, Kelli Kovarik; Media: Sharon Drahn;
Patrons: None
President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.
Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Klosterman, McGrane, Schultz, Marcks, Nelson-Lerch, & Koch. Vice President Klosterman led the pledge of allegiance.
President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of Rachael Strong as a Volunteer Cross Country coach at the middle school. McGrane/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Public Forum:
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of June 10, 2024, Regular Meeting
- Review/approve invoices (Reviewed by Amanda Rodgers)
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations/Retirements: Katie Riemer MS Volleyball
- Transfers: Brody Hubbell from Assistant Girls Wrestling to Head Girls Wrestling
- Approve New Hires: Sarah Pisney, Home School Assistance Teacher; Stephanie Michael TCLC Lead; Tricia Anderson VELC Lead
- Volunteer Coaches: Koby Moore & Marc Hines, Football; Tim Feldman & Neal Bentley, HS Cross Country; Rachael Strong, MS Cross Country
- Receive and Approve Gifts: None
Marcks/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
High School Principal, Mr. Miller, updated the board on the numerous students on campus this summer with strength and conditioning, summer camps, and scheduling for the fall.
Curriculum Director Nefzger updated the board on the meetings she has had in preparation for the upcoming school year’s professional development hours.
Business Manager Stansbery reported on business matters regarding the end of the fiscal year, preparation for the FY24 financial audit, 4th quarter reporting, and preparation of new hire onboarding.
Superintendent Griffith updated the board on the status of conference affiliation and upcoming meetings to navigate admittance/rejection of teams to the Upper Iowa Conference. Mr. Griffith gave an updated status of the fluid cooler at the West Union Elementary building. The board was briefed on the new security cameras and door access installed in all district buildings. Lastly, the 5th-8th music position remains vacant, and a modified class structure was presented to the board.
The board approved the agreement with Energy Tax Savers. Klosterman/Schultz
Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the agreement with A&J Associates. Nelson-Lerch/Rodgers
Motion carried 7-0
The Board held a Public Hearing regarding the transfer of carryover funds. President Koch opened the public hearing at 5:55pm. No public comments were received. President Koch closed the public hearing at 5:57pm.
The Board approved the following Resolution to transfer funds as follows:
WHEREAS, Iowa Code provides school districts greater flexibility to transfer excess funds to other specified purposes;
WHEREAS, the NFV Community School Board of Directors has conducted a public hearing on July 15th as required by Iowa Code 298A.2(d).
WHEREAS, the NFV Community School District has fulfilled the needs intended to be met by the Home School Assistance Program under Iowa Code 299A.12 statutory requirements for all purposes listed in 299A.12(2) have been met and funding for all lawful requests for services and materials from parents or guardians of students eligible to access the program has been provided and a balance remains unencumbered and unobligated at the close of FY24.
WHEREAS, the NFV Community School District has transferred the Home School Assistance Program under Iowa Code 299A.12 ending balance of $143,443.30 of which $126,662.31 was transferred to the Flexibility Fund from FY24.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the NFV Community School District has determined the needs of students would be better served by the flexible expenditure of these funds during the budget year beginning in or after the calendar year in which the transfer to the flexibility fund occurs, for the following purposes: Any school district general fund purpose to include $30,000 of band instrument replacement and $96,662.31 in curriculum purchases.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the NFV Community School Board of Directors acknowledges the transfer of such funds to the Flexibility Fund within the General fund, and requires expenditures accordingly for those purposes stated above, total amount of $126,662.31 to be available for expenditure effective for FY25.
RESOLVED, that the Superintendent is directed to include the information concerning such expenditure in the budget certified in accordance with Iowa Code 24; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Superintendent is directed to provide a copy of the Resolution to the Iowa Department of Education as they prescribe and make such Resolution available for any audit of the district performed under chapter 11.
Motion to adopt the Flexibility Resolution as presented by Klosterman, Seconded by McGrane.
Resolution approved, July 15, 2024 by the NFV Community School Board of Directors:
Roll Call Vote: McGrane, aye; Marcks, aye; Rodgers, aye; Nelson-Lerch, aye; Klosterman, aye; Schultz, aye; Koch, aye.
The board approved the purchase of McGraw-Hill. Schultz/Marcks Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the purchase from 95 Percent Group. Schultz/Nelson-Lerch
Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the purchase from Lexia. Klosterman/Schultz Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the changes to the senior Capstone Project. Klosterman/Schultz
Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the purchase of Narcan Supply and the Administration of Narcan. McGrane/Marcks Motion carried 6-1; Rodgers dissenting vote.
The board approved the band instrument recycling. Nelson-Lerch/Rodgers Motion carried 7-0
The board approved the first reading of the 500 and 501 policy series updates. Marcks/Rodgers Motion carried 7-0
The board approved moving the September regular board meeting from September 9th to September 16th. Schultz/Klosterman Motion carried 7-0
No discussion.
Motion to adjourn at 6:52pm. McGrane/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
______________________________ _____________________________
Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager