July 15 Agenda

North Fayette Valley Community School District

Monday, July 15, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

NFV HS Library

600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175



  2. Welcome Public
  4. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of June 10, 2024, regular meeting 
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports (Reviewed by Amanda Rodgers)
    4. Approve Contracts and Resignations
      1. Resignations/Retirements
        1. Katie Riemer- MS Volleyball
      2. Transfers 
        1. Brody Hubbell- Head Girls High School Wrestling Coach
      3. Contract Modifications
      4. New Hires
        1. Sarah Pisney- Home School Assistance Teacher
        2. TCLC/VELC Lead Contracts for 2024-2025
      5. Volunteer Coaches
        1. Koby Moore- Football
        2. Marc Hines- Football
        3. Tim Feldman- Cross-country
        4. Neal Bentley- Cross-country
    5.  Receive and Approve Gifts: 
  5. Communications
    1. Principals
    2. Curriculum Director
    3. Business Manager
    4. Superintendent
  6. Old Business
    1. Approve the agreement with Energy Tax Savers
    2. Approve the agreement with A&J Associates
  7. New Business
    1. Public Hearing regarding expenditures of the school flexibility fund
      1. Open Public Hearing
      2. Public Comments
      3. Close Public Hearing
    2. Approve Resolution directing expenditures of the school flexibility fund
    3. Approve the purchase from McGraw-Hill
    4. Approve the purchase from 95 Percent Group
    5. Approve the purchase from Lexia
    6. Approve changes to the senior Capstone Project
    7. Approve Narcan Supply and Administration 
    8. Approve Band Instrument Recycling
    9. Approve the First Reading of the 500 and 501 Series policies
    10. Approve moving the September Board meeting from the 9th to the 16th
  8. Board Discussion for Possible Agenda Items
  9. Adjourn