Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, June 13, 2022, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52142
NFV Board of Education: LaCreasha Schultz, Julie Ahrens, Amanda Rodgers, Stacy
Cummings, Eileen Schlawin, Richard Klosterman, & Emily Koch.
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Lori Westhoff; Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Amy Ihde & Barb Schroeder; Patrons: Steve Dunt
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Koch, Schlawin, Cummings, & Schultz.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of new TLC model teachers Susan Wenger & Jessica Bushman and a donation to the Art Department. Schlawin/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Public Forum: President Cummings welcomed and invited comments from the Public.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the May 9 regular meeting
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Jay Swenka – Buildings Director, Sue Vorwald – paraprofessional/van driver, & Teri Wagner – VE secretary
- Approve New Hires: Kim Kleve – TLC model/mentor, Julie Frieden – TLC model/mentor, Ashley Henderson – TLC model/mentor, Susan Wenger – TLC model teacher, Jessica Bushman – TLC model teacher, & Trey Kuhens – MS football coach
- Termination: Matt Jennerjohn – custodian/cleaner
- Receive & Approve Gifts: Library books monetary donations totaling $1,718 for all elementary students, Softball donations totaling $190, & Art donation for $500 from a past student. Ahrens/Schlawin Motion Carried 7-0
Curriculum Director Nefzger gave an update on professional development and curriculum development during the summer.
Business Manager Thoms reported on year end procedures in the Central Office as well as preparation for the next fiscal year.
Superintendent’s report included the following: WUE HVAC project is coming along – we expect that most of the project will be substantially completed by the end of June with balancing and syncing components to be wrapped up in July.
Fencing around the dumpster at the NFV HS is complete. This type of fencing will also be installed around the dumpster and new external HVAC components at WUE.
A section of the NFV HS driveway collapsed near a drainage grate last week. This has been excavated and repaired.
The ongoing discussion on conference affiliation has stagnated a bit in the past months. It looks like no schools will be making the move at this time. NFV will let these discussions continue to find the best fit for the needs of our district.
NFV is committed to student and staff safety. With this in mind, we are continuously evaluating our building security and will work to identify and address facility weaknesses. Likewise, relationships with students matter. We will continue to work to support those that are disheartened with school and struggling with positive connections. Discussions with local law enforcement ensure that their procedures fit with best practices in response to an intruder in a school building.
The Board approved the price change on the oven for the Valley site kitchen – Vulcan Convection Oven in the amount of $11,750 from Martin Brothers. Schlawin/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved lunch and breakfast fees for FY23: Student Breakfast – 1.85; Student Lunch P/K – 2.55 & 1st-12th – 3.00; Adult Breakfast – 1.95; Adult Lunch – 4.00. This is an increase of $0.05 per meal. Ahrens/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved Leader in Me training, 3 year contract. This training, cost totaling $43,800, will be paid with Teacher Quality Professional Development categorical funds. Additional training, totaling $55,000, will be provided by the Kern Group. A discussion was held on including all staff in this training. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0.
The Board approved the graduation date of May 21, 2023 at 2 pm. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board held the first reading of the following Board Policies: 605.6 – NFV Acceptable Use Policy, 605.6-R1 – NFV Computer Use Regulations, 605.6-R2 – Internet Appropriate Use Regulations, 605.6-E1 – Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents, 605.6-E2 – Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice, 605.7 – Employee Computer and Internet Use, 605.7-R1 – Employee Computer and Internet Use Rules, 605.8 – Use of Information Resources, 605.8-R1 – Use of Information Resources Regulation, 605.9 – School District Web Page, 401.13 – Staff Technology Use/Social Networking, 401.13-R1 – Staff Technology Use/Networking Regulation, 409.2 – Licensed Employee Personal Illness Leave, 409.3 – Emergency Family Leave, 409.5 – Licensed Employee Bereavement Leave, 409.9 – Licensed Employee Personal Leave, & 414.4 – Classified Employee Personal Illness, Family Illness, Bereavement, and Personal Leaves.
The Board held the first reading of the FY23 Staff Handbook.
The Board approved the online registration documents. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the hourly rate increase for VELC and TCLC staff for FY23 as follows: $3.75/hr increase for paraprofessionals, $5/hr increase for teaching staff, $5/hr increase for VELC Director. Schlawin/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the Operational Sharing Agreement with Central CSD for a maintenance director. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board reviewed and approved the Wellness Plan. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
German Exchange Program – we are working with the Germans on their travel plans.
Motion to adjourn at 6:39 pm. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager