March 11, 2024, Minutes




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, March 11, 2024, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin
Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris
Marcks.  Student member: Avery Donnelly

Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Kassie
Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter
Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris Miller;
Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Justin Heins, 

Barb Schroeder, Alex Snyder, Shanda Miller, Royale
Torkelson, Neal Bentley; Media: Sharon Drahn; Patrons:
Leslie Graves, Ashyanna Clark, Malachi Rothlisberger,
Reid McIntyre, Hannah Steinlage, Claire Streif


Vice President Klosterman called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Nelson-Lerch, Klosterman, McGrane, Marcks, & Schultz.  Koch was absent.  McGrane led the board and audience in the pledge of allegiance.    


Vice President Klosterman welcomed and invited comments from the Public.  


The agenda was approved as presented.  Schultz/Rodgers  Motion Carried 6-0


Public Forum:  

Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of February 12, 2024, Regular Meeting
  • Review/approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Resignations: Allie Ney- Drill Team, Jared Tilleraas- HS Assistant Volleyball, Julie Frieden- HS Cross County, Carole Nading- Transportation Secretary, Kevin Weidemann- Transportation Director
  • Transfers: Gage Mohs- HS Track, Makenna Grove- HS Assistant Volleyball, Royale Torkelson- Title I
  • Contract Modifications: Kory Kuhens
  • Approve New Hires: Hannah Winter- Football Cheerleading, Kennedy Balk-Drill Team, Logan Mork-MS Track, Marie Monroe-MS Art, Ashley Beach-MS SPED, Alexis Steinlage- HS Math

Marcks/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0




Malachi  Rothlisberger presented his acting piece for the board. Students from the manufacturing design class presented their process from inception to completion on the new NFV fight song art piece in the fine arts hallway.  


Avery Donnelly updated the board regarding the end of winter sports and beginning of spring sports, band/chorus concerts, individual speech contests, and the Senior trip.


High School Principal, Mr. Miller, reported on spring conferences, ISASP testing, credit recovery, and class scheduling for next school year.  Middle School Principal, Mr. Gearhart, updated the board on band and vocal events, the play, spring athletics, and parent-teacher conferences.  Elementary Principal, Mr. Elliott reported to the board about Kindergarten Round-up, TigerHawk Family Night (formally Literacy Night), Junior Achievement, Ag/Safety Day, parent-teacher conferences, paraprofessional week, and special education student transitions. 


Curriculum Director Nefzger reported on recent professional development, ISASP testing, and the Conditions for Learning Survey.  


Business Manager Stansbery reported on FY25 budget process, FY25 contract calculations, and year-to-date revenues compared to expenditures. 


Superintendent’s report included an update on the FY25 budget process, facility projects for the upcoming summer, recent and pending legislative changes, and updates on the transportation director position. 



The board approved the second reading of policies 501.3, 505.8, and 505.8R1.  McGrane/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0



The board approved the AEA Purchasing Agreement for FY25.

Schultz/Nelson-Lerch Motion carried 6-0


The board approved the FY25 LGRP (Local Government Risk Pool) Agreement.  McGrane/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0


The board approved the technology buyback agreement as presented.

Marcks/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0


The board approved the Timberline Billing Service Agreement.

Schultz/Marcks Motion Carried 6-0


The board reviewed and approved the FY23 Audit Report.

McGrane/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0



No discussion.


Motion to adjourn at 6:23 pm.    Marcks/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0


______________________________ _____________________________

Richard Klosterman, Vice President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager