Max Gibson Duane Willhite Julie Ahrens
Jocelyn Kuker Betsy Nefzger Stacy Cummings
Cassie Moss Todd Wolverton Dawn Daughton
Rachael Strong Travis Elliott Carolyn Roys
Neal Bentley Marc Rue
Megan Molseed
Sue Thoms
Carole Nading
Regular Board Meeting
Board President Cummings called the regular meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Middle School Media Center, 23493 Canoe Rd, Elgin, IA 52141 and Vice President Daughton led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton, Roys, and Rue Absent: Schlawin and Soderquist. Ex-officio student members: Chloe Cummings and Max Gibson.
Motion to approve the agenda with the addition of 7. I. – Junior Achievement Contract Daughton/Ahrens.Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Willhite introduced the new Student Ex-officio members of the board, Chloe Cummings. Max Gibson. Students were welcomed by the board of education. Ty Stee is also a student member and was not present at the meeting.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of February 11, 2019 – Regular Meeting (President Cummings noted a needed correction in the minutes for Student Ex-officio board members.)
- Minutes February 18, 2019 – Special Meeting
- Review and approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Contracts and resignations
- Resignations: Holly Mohs, Middle School Volleyball; Tracy Grimes, Wrestling Cheer coach
- Contracts:
- Volunteer Coaches: Cally Mueller, Track & Field
- Teacher Leader: Joni Walvatne
- Approval of Minutes
Ahrens/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.
Written principal and curriculum director reports were discussed. Curriculum Director Nefzger reported to the board on the Virtual Professional development that was done with certified staff on 2/20/2019, one of the district’s snow days. They worked on Iowa Statewide Assessment, e-cigarette and vaping on line video, K-3 assessment and new computer science standards. The board will be asked to approve this day as one of the district’s make up days under New Business.
Superintendent report included updates on:
- Mr. Neal Bently, Industrial Tech Instructor and Rachael Strong, Ag & PLTW Instructor along with student representatives, Jocelyn Kuker and Cassie Moss spoke with the board regarding the use of the plasma cutter and the projects they have been working on for resale purposes. They have a website; TigerHawk Hardware where they created a promotion launch video for their products and are selling products through that site..
- Enrollment check – Mr. Willhite indicated the district was up eleven students from the beginning of the year.
- Alliant Energy sent communications to customers that they are requesting a rate increase of up to 20-25%. Superintendent Willhite will be exploring solar energy possibilities for the High School and West Union elementary and will bring a proposal to the board when completed.
Facilitated by Curriculum Director, Betsy Nefzger the board took part in the book study of the book Leader in Me (chapter 3)
Motion to approve for second read the revision of the following board policies
- #507.2; Administration of Medications
- #507.8; Student Special Health Services
- #403.7; Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- #403.6; Substance Free Workplace
- #606.6 District Sponsored Student Trip Policy
- #606.6-E1 District Sponsored Student Trip Acknowledgment
- #606.6-E2 Student Medical Release Form for Out of State/Country Travel
Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.
President Cummings opened the Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 School Calendar at 7:12 p.m.
There was discussion between Superintendent Willhite and the board. There were comments received from the public.
President Cummings closed the Public Hearing at 7:22 p.m.
Motion to approve the 2019-2020 School Calendar as presented. Rue/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion to approve the contingency plan for the 2018-2019 school calendar for 12 inclement weather cancellations. Nine make-up days for students which includes the following:
- 4 days – May 28, 29,30, and 31 (Tues.- Fri.)
- 1 day – Use April 18 with early out (320 min)
- 1 day – Use April 22 (395 min)
- 3 days – June 3, 4, and 5 (2 full days and 1 early dismissal)
- Total minutes for students will be 66,002 (1100 hours)
- Certified staff will make up three contract days with Professional Development on Feb 20, June 6, and through extended work hours
- Classified staff will work extra days according to contract.
Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0. (Note: Staff will be working on professional development and other opportunities to complete their contractual days.)
After discussion regarding the Board’s authority to waive days for Seniors, the following motion was made: In accordance to NFV Board Policy #601.1, I move to excuse graduating seniors from 30 hours of instruction after graduation requirements have been met and from attending make up hours missed due to inclement weather that will occur on May 28, 29, 30, 31 and June 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion to approve setting the FY20 levies: Management – $400,000, PPEL – $0.33, Cash Reserve Levy – $200,000, & Instructional Support Income Surtax Rate – 5%. Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Wolverton discussed with the board the proposal for archiving athletic records as follows:
In order for there to be consistency among all athletic teams that participate as a North Fayette Valley High School team, all individual and team records will reflect performances of student athletes who have represented our school. Records held prior to this will fall under the heading of North Fayette High School or Valley High School.
Since some of our student athletes competed under the name of Valley High School and North Fayette Valley, or North Fayette and North Fayette Valley, the following rules will be followed:
- All team records will begin with the 2013-14 school year, the first year teams competed as North Fayette Valley.
- All NFV Individual Records will span the length of a student-athletes career. For example, an NFV graduate that competed as either a Valley or North Fayette athlete prior to 2013-2014 will have all of their statistics over the course of four years count toward the record.
- Both team and individual records set at Valley and North Fayette will be frozen upon the completion of the 2012-2013 competitive seasons.
Scoreboard purchase was tabled until further information is received from the booster club.
Motion to approve the purchase of the Algebra Series from Kendall Hunt Publishing Company at a cost of $7,256.95 Daughton/Rue. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion to approve the Junior Achievement program for the 2019-2020 school year with backing from Bank 1st if additional funds are needed after the sponsorship drive. Daughton/Roys. Motion carried 5-0.
Possible agenda items for the April 8, 2019 regular board meeting to be held in the Library at the NFV High School at 6:00 p.m will include the Public Hearing for the FY20 Budget, solar estimates and Capstone presentations .
Motion to adjourn. Rue/Ahrens. Motion carried 5-0.
The board adjourned their regular meeting at 8:07 p.m.
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Board President Board Secretary