March 18, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes



Minutes, Special Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Wednesday, March 18, 2020 in the NFV High School Cafeteria, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education:    Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Emily Koch (electronically), LaCreasha McNeese, Carolyn Roys, Eileen Schlawin & Marc Rue 

Others:            Superintendent: Duane Willhite, Business Manager: Sue Thoms; Public: Megan Molseed – media & others electronically.


President Cummings called the Special Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6:01 p.m. and led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Koch (electronically), McNeese, Roys, Rue & Schlawin


Motion to approve the agenda: Schlawin/Roys  Motion carried 7-0 




President Cummings thanked the administration and staff for their work this week.  


The Board approved a calendar change for a possible return date of April 13, 2020.   Roys/Ahrens Motion carried 7-0


Supt Willhite presented the following options to the Board for consideration of furloughs and leaves:  1 – A potential leave and attendance policy which offered the district flexible ways for pay, professional development, and daily work.   Each employee group has a different scenario. AND 2 – A Pandemic Pay Resolution which offered pay hourly/Non-exempt employees for up to 4 weeks.


Board discussion followed with what is best for the employees, what are other districts doing, how long the resolution would be in effect, and the morale of the staff.  Professional development is being provided for the certified staff and the AEA does have some opportunities being made available for the paraprofessionals as well. Buildings are closed to the public with certified staff allowed to come in.  The Central Office is open – anyone needing to get a hold of the school can do so at 563-422-3851, ext 1. Many members commented that the resolution would be a good option for now and then review for any extension of school closure.


Jacob Pedersen asked about during a furlough salary savings and how the money would be spent in the next year. Supt Willhite said that any savings would remain a part of the General Fund and will be used in the next year.  He also asked about pay for the Spring coaches. Supt Willhite said that the Spring coaches have already received ⅓ of their salary. These contracts are at-will contracts. The District does understand the importance of these individuals as well.


Pam Follon is concerned about the para’s pay – they are important to the kids and the school.  She wants the Board to do what is best for humanity. Brent Kuker also is concerned about not paying the special ed paras – we cannot afford to lose our paras.  


Eileen Schlawin read the proposed resolution to the public.  


Chris Lundgren urged continuation of paying all staff.


Schlawin made the motion to approve the following resolution and keep paying all employees for 4 weeks.  Roys seconded. Motion Carried 7-0.  



Hourly/Non-Exempt Employees

WHEREAS, North Fayette Valley Community School District (District) anticipates that it may need to temporarily close its operations at some point for health and safety reasons; and,

WHEREAS, If the District closes on a temporary basis, then District employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis will not be able to regularly report to work for the District due to closures; and,

WHEREAS, It is in the best interests of the District to pay District’s hourly and/or non-exempt employees while the District is temporarily closed for a variety of reasons, namely: the safety of District employees, students, and community members; to avoid the spread of any illness to other employees, students, and community members; for staff morale; to ensure that said District employees do not leave employment during the temporary closure; and/or other legitimate reasons.

WHEREAS, If an employee s work is needed for the continuity of learning and/or District operations, that employee may be required to report for duty onsite or from a remote location after receiving notice the prior dayThis will be at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools or designee.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, in the event of a temporary closure of the District, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to pay hourly and/or non-exempt employees their customary and regular pay, for up to four weeks during the temporary closure. If the District operations continue to be closed after four weeks, then the Board shall reconvene and determine what authority, if any, the Superintendent has to continue paying hourly and/or non-exempt employees during the temporary closure.


Supt Willhite stated that certified and 12 month employees are working and being paid during this time.  

Jacob Pederson asked again about the coaches.  Jessica White and Tim Feldman also asked about coaches.  Some practices have been going on and meets have been held.  Coaches are keeping in touch with their athletes just like the teachers.  

Schlawin amended her motion to include pay for the Spring coaches in the resolution.  Ahrens seconded. Motion Carried 7-0

The Board approved the Emergency Feeding Program that allows the district to offer drive by meals to students during the school closure starting on Monday, March 23rd.  Rue/Roys Motion Carried 7-0

Sharon Rich asked about notification of these meals.  Supt Willhite stated that the notification was emailed to every parent.  The District will mail out a notification to those who don’t have electronic access.  Teachers can also reach out to students who they know may want to take part.  


Motion to adjourn.  Schlawin/McNeese. Motion carried 7-0.

The Board adjourned their regular meeting at 6:45 p.m.

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Stacy Cummings, President                                      Sue Thoms, Business Manager