Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, March 8, 2021, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin,
LaCreasha McNeese, Marc Rue, & Emily Koch. Carolyn
Roys was absent. Student Members: Nathan Crooker.
Kailee Ginger, Baylie Shrubb & Madison Clausen were
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms, Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, & Lori Westhoff, Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger, Staff: Jeannie Krambeer & Jenna Fassbinder, Public: Megan Molseed – media, and others by Microsoft Teams
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6 p.m. and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Schlawin, McNeese, Koch, & Rue. Roys was absent.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of volunteer Golf Coach – James Calkins, access points for the Valley campus, and an internet agreement with Hawkeye Interconnect Company. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the February 8, 17, & March 3, 2021, regular & special meetings
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Annie Adams – ELL Teacher & Laura Young – VELC
- Approve New Hire: Jade Daughton, Asst Softball Coach & Brent Kuker – 8/9 Asst Softball Coach
- Approve Volunteer: James Calkins – B/G Golf
- Gifts – Exercise Bike – Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Rehab Services & $200 for Special Olympics – Knights of Columbus
Ahrens/Schlawin Motion carried 6-0
Student Ex-Officio member reports were received. Nathan reported that the Capstone presentations went well. Band and Choir virtual concerts are online. FFA District contest will be in Independence this coming Saturday. Congressman Ashley Hinson visited the SPARK program recently.
Principal Reports were received. Principal Westhoff reported that the HS had no positives or quarantines during the past week. Online kids are coming back to in-person learning. Conferences were held in person and online. 10 Capstone presentations are remaining to be presented. ISASP testing will be later in March. She reported on sportsmanship ratings. Principal Gearhart reported on the good participation in conferences, Spring MS play will be held this Friday, and the band and vocal concerts are online. FAST testing is complete with the data showing students are working on closing the gaps thanks to the teachers. Principal Elliott reported on over 90% attendance in conferences. Many Leader In Me items showing up in the hallways and classrooms. The elementary band is going well!
The curriculum report was received. Director Nefzger reported that the Leader In Me coach was in each building during the month of February working with teachers. ISASP assessments are planned for late March and mid-April. ELL students are currently taking the English Language Proficiency tests. FastBridge data was presented.
Business Manager Thoms gave an update of the CARES Act funds and certified budget preparation. The percentage of expenses compared to last year is down due to reduced transportation expenses and substitute costs.
Superintendent’s report included the following:
State Aid for FY22: State Aid has been set for 2.4%. NFV will still be on the Budget Guarantee which will be roughly $72,968 due to declining student enrollment.
Labor Management Committee: The Labor-Management Committee will meet on March 17th to discuss the employee handbook for next year. This will come to the Board for approval this summer.
WUE project: The Board will approve the project specs later in this meeting. We will let in bids on March 9th and will receive bids on March 31st by 3 pm. The winning bid will be approved at a special meeting on March 31st at 6:30 pm.
The Board held the second and final reading of Board Policies #505.5 – Graduation Credits The Board reviewed the changes of 1 – requiring World History of 2 credits & elective social studies of 1 credit for the Class of 2024 & beyond and 2 – requiring Financial Literacy of 1 credit for the Class of 2022 & beyond. A discussion was held on eliminating the ISASP scores as well as ACT/SAT scores currently used in determining the diploma level. Capstone requirements were also discussed. Principal Westhoff reported that currently, the Senior advisory teachers are meeting to evaluate the Capstone project. Rue made the motion to table the second reading of Board Policy #505.5 until the Capstone evaluation is complete with Schlawin as the second. Motion Carried 6-0
The Board held the second and final reading of Board Policy #406.5 R.1 changing the district contribution to $655 monthly for health insurance. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
Public Hearing on FY22 Calendar: President Cummings opened the public hearing on the 2021-22 Calendar at 6:31 pm. Changes to the previously approved calendar include August 20 as a contract day along with corrected snow makeup days. No public comments were received and the hearing was closed at 6:34 pm.
The Board approved the FY22 Calendar. Schlawin/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
Public Hearing on Plan for Proposed HVAC Renovations at West Union Elementary: President Cummings opened the Public Hearing at 6:34 pm. Supt. Griffith reviewed the proposed HVAC renovations at WUE. Asbestos testing has been done and the affected areas are limited to the old roof and portions of the floor tiles. No public comments were received and the public hearing was closed at 6:37 pm.
The Board approved the plan for proposed HVAC renovations at WUE and letting bids as of March 9, 2021. Bids will be due on March 31st at 3:00 pm. Schlawin/Ahrens Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Ahrens, McNeese, Koch, Cummings, Schlawin, & Rue, Nays – None
The Board set a Public Hearing for a FY21 Budget Amendment due to increased spending for ESSER/GEERS and the start of the WUE HVAC project. This hearing will take place on April 12th at 6:00 pm. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented the proposed levy for the FY22 Budget: $460,000 levy for Management, $0.33 levy for regular PPEL, and an 8% income surtax for the Instructional Support Levy (ISL).
The Board set a Public Hearing for the FY22 Budget to take place on April 12 @ 6:00 pm. Rue/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented a request for an exception to Board Policy #505.6 – Early Graduation which would allow the current seniors who graduated early to attend Prom this year. A discussion was held on allowing them to attend any year as well as any other senior activities. The Board approved this exception for prom for this year. Rue/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented the tentative agreement with the NFVESPA. This agreement includes a 1.5% increase for FY22 and a 0.5% increase for FY23 on the base hourly wage. All language items have been removed. The Board approved the tentative agreement. Rue/Schlawin Motion Carried 6-0
Supt Griffith presented a request to waive the job shadowing requirement for the FY21 seniors. Due to COVID, a majority of the seniors did not have the opportunity to participate in a job shadow. The Board approved the request to waive the job shadowing requirement for the FY21 seniors. Rue/McNeese Motion Carried 6-0
Alex Snyder reported on upgrading the access points at the Valley campus to help with connectivity. Funding will be through the GEERS program and ERATE funds. The quote for this project is $32,882.79. The Board approved the access point upgrade at the Valley campus. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
Alex Snyder reported on contracting the internet bid for 5 years. Hawkeye Interconnect Company bid came in at $3,160/mo and the ICN bid came in at 4,950/mo. The Board approved going with Hawkeye Interconnect Company for a 5-year contract. Koch/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
Nathan asked if the early dismissals at 12:30 on Wednesdays will continue. Supt Griffith said we would continue with this. We may have to make some adjustments in May if the hours are needed.
Motion to adjourn at 7:07 pm. Rue/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager