Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, May 10, 2021, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin,
LaCreasha McNeese, Carolyn Roys, Marc Rue, & Emily
Koch. Student Members: Nathan Crooker & Kailee
Ginger. Baylie Shrubb & Madison Clausen were absent.
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms, Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, & Lori Westhoff, Staff: Alex Snyder, Amy Ihde, Lisa Schneider, Kelli Kovarik, Barb Schroeder, Christy Radloff, Molli Steffens, Kirk Jacobsen, Annette Weber, Gabby Dobbs, Ron Imoehl, Sherri Imoehl; Public: Megan Molseed – media; Courtney Bentley, Tammy Moser, Mary Schott, Steve Dunt, Dave Imoehl, Brennan Imoehl, Dylan Fenneman, Leslie Poppen, & Marcia Miles
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6 p.m. and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Cummings, Schlawin, McNeese, Koch, Rue & Roys.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of the following: Replace the Saxophone Sextet with a Public Forum, Resignations: Tristan Miller & Steven Williams, and New Business: Delete- CAR for the WU project, Add-Consideration of Summer Band. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 7-0
Public Forum: President Cummings welcomed and invited comments from the public.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the April 12 & 21 regular & special meetings
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Stephanie Ellis – Prom, Kari Straube – HS English & Speech, Ron Imoehl – Activities Director/Coordinator, Brianna Annick – Asst Volleyball, Amber Linderbaum – MS English, Tristan Miller – Building Cleaner, & Steven Williams – MS Para
- Approve New Hire: Todd Conway – .5 Alternative School
- Contract Modification: Tricia Anderson – .75 FTE to 1.0 FTE & Termination – Ron Imoehl – Court Liaison
- Transfer: Matt Jennerjohn – 1.0 FTE Building Cleaner
- Gifts: HS Drama – $2000 in memory of Don Saboe and a tree in honor of Steve Story
Rue/Roys Motion carried 7-0
WUE Playground Committee: Courtney Bentley represented the playground committee with a video announcing the grand opening of the West Union Elementary Playground. This grand opening will be on May 26th at 10 am. Both playgrounds at the elementary are currently in use. A fence on the southeast part of the playground will be installed by next school year.
Student Ex-Officio member reports were received. The Student Council put on a Spring Fling this past week with activities each day. FFA traveled to Des Moines for their state convention & Mia Gibson was named 2021-2022 State FFA President. Seniors are wrapping up their final year. A blood drive was held the last week of April. Spring sports are going well. Boys Golf won conference meet and Band & Chorus received I ratings at large group contest.
Principal Reports were received. Principal Westhoff reviewed senior signing day, summer school, community cleanup, college classes expansion for next year, and graduation. Principal Elliott reported that the elementary schools are finishing up ISASP testing and the kindergarten round-up went well. 3rd grade will travel to Fayette for transition day and Senior English students traveled to the 5th grade to help with a writing unit. Principal Gearhart reported that transition day is tomorrow for the 5th grade and summer school is still being worked on. Valley Elementary is going to have summer school in conjunction with VELC. Track & Field days will happen at the end of the year, and a tree planting took place recently.
Business Manager Thoms gave an update of the end of the year activities in the office.
Superintendent’s report included the following:
WUE HVAC project: This is off to a great start. Soil conductivity tests are complete & awaiting results. Casper has been on-site and working with MW Engineering on plans. Once school is done, we expect a full crew on site.
Summer Projects: We are working on a sewer line, concrete replacement, shot & discus locations, and tree removal. Recent rains have raised the concern of replacing a roof section at the MS. MW Engineering has been contracted to work on this project.
School Board Appreciation month: Certificates were handed out to each Board Member.
Capstone Committee: The group gave the Board an informational handout spelling out why we have this project, elements of the project, reflections of students, staff that helps with the project, and supports that are in place for the students. The group proposed to shorten the paper length and mentor time, continue with the 15-minute presentation, supports in junior and senior year, have evaluators and mentors read papers prior to presentation, include a community service/involvement, add a day in the fall for work on the project, add 1 credit towards the 50 credits required to graduate, and celebrate when deadlines are met. The Board discussed the information. Rue asked if the credit will affect the student’s GPA – this credit will be a pass/fail grade. When asked how evaluators are selected, Principal Westhoff reported that we select people from all communities.
The Board set a Public Hearing for an FY21 Budget Amendment due to increased spending for ESSER/GEERS and the start of the WUE HVAC project. This hearing will take place on May 24th at 4:30 pm. Schlawin/Roys Motion Carried 7-0
The Board held the second and final reading of the following Board Policies: selected 600 Series. Roys/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved student fees for FY22. The only change was to the Tiger Hawk Preschool monthly amount – increase to $188/mo Ahrens/Schlawin Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the summer school proposal. VE – 3 days per week for 6 weeks in the am, WUE – 3 days per week for 3 weeks in the am, FE – 3 days per week for 3 weeks in the am, MS – June 7-25 in the am, & HS – June 7-25 in the am. ESSER III funds will be the funding source for this year. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the list of Seniors available for graduation. Roys/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
Alex Snyder presented the quote on the firewall from Marco in the amount of $14,694.15 for 3 years. The Board approved the quote. Rue/Roys Motion Carried 7-0.
Principal Elliott reviewed how Junior Achievement is utilized in the elementary. WUE, VE, and the NFV MS will take part in this next year. The Board approved the Junior Achievement participation for the FY22 school year. Koch/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the Senior field trip to Backbone on May 21st. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 7-0
Supt Griffith proposed the hiring of an HS Assistant Principal and 7-12 Activities Director. This person will pick up the scheduling of activities, evaluation of the coaches. This person will have an administrative license and an evaluator license. Most other schools our size do have this same model. Rue questioned adding another high-cost position in our current fiscal times. NF or V have not had this position in the past. At-risk funding can be used to pay for a portion of this position. Koch asked if other schools have court liaison positions. These programs have gone by the wayside when funding for the Court Liaison was reduced by the State. Principal Westhoff stated that currently 5 people are coordinating activities at this time and bringing this to 1 person that has activities as a primary focus is a definite need. This assistant Principal would help with evaluating, discipline, and supervision at the HS, DTA, and Alternative School. The key portion the district is seeking is a candidate with the evaluator license. The additional cost to the district would be around $20,000. Ahrens moved to advertise for the assistant Principal/activities coordinator. Koch seconded the motion. Motion Passed 6-1 (Rue)
The Board approved the FY22 bids as follows: Milk – Prairie Farms, Bread – Pan-O-Gold, Gas & Diesel – Agvantage FS, LP for bus barn – Agvantage FS, LP for Valley site – Consolidated, & Tires – CHE (CornHill Express). Rue/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
Mr. Schacherer and Ms. Bliven requested to give summer band lessons. This will be for 5/6th grades and recommended for 7/8th grades during the month of June. The Board approved the summer band lesson proposal. Schlawin/McNeese Motion Carried 7-0
DISCUSSION June Meeting at the Valley Campus – 5 pm tour and 6 pm meeting.
Starting the WUE construction and demo right away.
A special meeting to approve the Budget Amendment will be on May 24th at 4:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn at 7:08 pm. Ahrens/Roys Motion Carried 7-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager