Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, 6:00 p.m., Monday May 13, 2019 in the NFV MS Media Center. 23493 Canoe Road, Elgin, IA 52141
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Stacy Cummings, Dawn Daughton, Eileen Schlawin.
Absent: Carolyn Roys, Marc Rue, Alex Soderquist
Others: Superintendent: Duane Willhite, Business Manager: Sue Thoms, Board Secretary: Carole Nading,Supt. Secretary: Sue Winter, Principals: Todd Wolverton, Micah Gearhart
Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger
Ex-officio members: Chloe Cummings, Max Gibson,
Media: Megan Moleseed,
Public: John Nielsen, Royale Torkelson, Brittinae Nelson
Board President Cummings called the regular meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6:10 p.m. and led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton, and Schlawin. Absent: Roys, Rue, and Soderquist.
Motion to approve the agenda with the addition of the resignation of Middle School Teacher Kelly Farley under the consent agenda. Daughton/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of April 8, 2019 – regular meeting and May 1, 2019 – special meeting.
- Review and approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve contracts and resignation
- Summer school teachers: Brittinae Nelson, Kelly Elliott, Amy Ihde and Brooke Lodge
- NFV MS Special Education Teacher – Erica Gronowski
- NFV MS Track Coach – Jenni Thompson
- Large Group Speech Coach – Kari Straube
- Assistant Individual Speech – Kari Straube
- Resignation – Kelly Farley – MS Teacher
Ahrens/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0.
President Cummings opened the Public Hearing to Amend the FY19 Budget at 6:13 p.m.
Superintendent Willhite and Business Manager Thoms reviewed the recommended budget amendment with the board. No public comments were noted. President Cummings closed the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m.
Motion to approve amending the FY19 Budget as recommended. Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0. (Expenditure changes: Instruction from $11,783,000 to $11,793,00 for PPEL Instructional Equipment and Other Expenditures from $1,718,590 to $1,968,950 for construction costs.)
The Board did a brief review of Principal, Curriculum Director and Superintendent reports.
Curriculum Director Nefzger facilitated the Leader in Me Book Study – Chapter 5 (Achieving School Goals) with the Board of Education.
Motion to approve for second read and revision/adoption of the following policies/regulations:
- 204 – Code of Ethics – revision
- 401.13 – Limitations to Employment References – adoption
- 705.5 & 705.5R1 – Expenditures For a Public Purpose – adoption
Ahrens/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve Betsy Nefzger as shared Curriculum Director with South Winneshiek Community Schools as presented. Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0.
(Mrs. Nefzger will work one day per week in the South Winneshiek district with the district paying 20% of the salary and benefits and the NFV district will receive operational sharing dollars.)
Motion to approve the milk bid from Prairie Farms, bread bid from Pan-O-Gold, gas bid from Agvantage, diesel bid from Agvantage, No. 1 Fuel Oil bid from Agvantage, LP for the Bus Barn and the Valley Site from Fauser/Consolidated Energy. The snow removal bid from Super Landscape for a three year period for the Valley and West Union school sites, Fayette Lumber for the Fayette Elementary site and the tire mounting bid from West Union Motor and Don’s DX as presented. Ahrens/Daughton. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve the 3 year proposal from Hacker, Nelson & Co., P.C. for audit services as presented. Schlawin/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve the early graduation application for the 2019-2020 school year as presented .
Schlawin/Daughton. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve the contracts for coaches of athletics and fine arts as presented for the 2019-2020 school year. Schlawin/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0.
Per policy 501.4 (Entrance-Admissions) and 501.5E1 (Attendance Center Boundaries) motion to approve the request for Attendance Center change as presented with parents providing transportation. Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to approve the contract with Mobile Mamma in the amount of $5,500 as presented.
Ahrens/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0. (This group works with students and parents to keep students safe on cell phones and to show parents how to manage a child’s cell phone while at school.)
Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2019-2020 school year with Luther College. Daughton/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0. (Student Teacher clinical field experience.)
Motion to approve the Apple Inc. Education quote of $132,430.00 for the annual computer replacement order recommended by the technology department to be paid for with SAVE Fund. Ahrens/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion to adopt the following resolution: Daughton/Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0.
Name of School District NORTH FAYETTE VALLEY
WHEREAS, Concussions are a type of brain injury that can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works. Concussions can occur with or without loss of consciousness. Iowa Code 280.13C(1)(b)
WHEREAS, Concussions are among the most commonly reported injuries to children and adolescents who participate in recreational activities. Continuing to engage in activities with a concussion or symptoms of a brain injury leaves a young athlete vulnerable to greater injury. Iowa Code 280.13C(1)(a)(c)
WHEREAS, Concussions can impair how a student athlete thinks, acts, feels and learns. A student who has sustained a concussion may need adjustments, modifications to curriculum, and monitoring by medical staff until the student is fully recovered. Iowa Code 280.1 3C(1)(d)
WHEREAS The Iowa Department of Public Health has created return-to-play protocol based upon peer-reviewed scientific evidence consistent with the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, for a student’s return to participation in any extracurricular interscholastic activity after showing signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or brain injury. Iowa Code 280.13C(6)(a)
NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the North Fayette Valley Board of Education formally adopts the return-to-play protocol established by the Iowa Department of Public Health, listed in 641 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 54 as the appropriate protocol for [school district]. Iowa Code 280.13C(6)(a)
ADOPTED by ACTION of the BOARD this [13TH] day of [May], 2019
Supt. Willhite and the board discussed a resolution by Rural School Advocates of Iowa to request a study of alternate means of defining school classifications that would consider poverty levels for IGHSAU and IAHSAA competitions. No action was taken.
The board entered into discussion with Superintendent Willhite and John Nielsen, Job Superintendent for Perry Novak Electric regarding the options of solar installation throughout the NFV district. The board had been given a presentation and had lengthy discussion at the special board meeting on May 1,2019. One of the options discussed was purchasing solar installations for the Fayette Elementary building and the West Union bus barn and entering into a Power Purchase Agreement with an interested investor for the solar installations at NFV HS, West Union Elementary and Valley Campus for the remainder of the district facilities.
Motion to direct Superintendent Willhite to begin working with Mr. Neilsen of Perry Novak Electric, and the investor in development of a contract, which would include attorney Ron Peeler of Ahlers Law firm to provide consultation. Schlawin/Daughton. Motion carried 4-0.
Items for the next regular meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019 will include the Power Purchase Agreement and discussion regarding a resolution supporting changes to IAHSAA and IGHSAU to consider poverty rates in addition to enrollments for all schools when classifying for state competitions.
Motion to adjourn. Daughton/Schlawin. Motion carried 4-0. The board adjourned their regular meeting at 7:40 p.m.
___________________________ ____________________________
Stacy Cummings, President Carole Nading Board Secretary