May 13, 2024 Minutes




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, May 13, 2024, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin
Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris
Marcks.  Student members: Avery Donnelly;
Superintendent: Joe Griffith; Business Manager:Kassie
Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter;
Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris Miller;
Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Shanda
Miller, Katie Wymer, Kylee Smith; Media: Sharon
Drahn; Patrons: Kennadi Butikofer, Sarah Dean, Alexis
Oakland, Laci Lauer, Claire Koester, Kade Meyer, Angie
Meyer, Cael Reichter, Braelyn Meyer


President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Klosterman, McGrane, Schultz, & Koch.  Marcks & Nelson-Lerch were absent.


President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.  


The agenda was approved as presented.  Schultz/Klosterman  Motion Carried 5-0


Public Forum:  

Motion to approve the amended consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of April 8, 2024, Special Meeting
  • Minutes of April 8, 2024, Regular Meeting
  • Minutes of April 29, 2024, Special Meeting
  • Review/approve invoices (Reviewed by Kris McGrane)
  • Approve Financial Reports 
  • Approve Resignations/Retirements: Tracy Nuss- Large Group Assistant Speech;Jackie Halstead- Van Driver- end of year;Dale Bilden- Bus Driver- end of year;Shad Roys- Substitute Bus Driver- end of year;Kim Kraft- Paraprofessional- end of year
  • Transfers: Jade Daughton- HS Track from MS Track 2024-2025
  • Approve New Hires: Dan Hovden- Middle School Football;Mina Fantz- HS Yearbook; Leah Wegmann- HS English; Makinzie Dugger- HS Play and Scenery Director
  • Volunteer Coaches: None
  • Receive and Approve Gifts: Bank 1st donation for Earth Day sidewalk chalk

Klosterman/Schultz  Motion Carried 5-0



Student member Avery Donnelly reported on the end of spring sports, band/chorus large group festival, prom, last day of school for seniors, upcoming awards night, and Graduation. 


High School Principal, Mr. Miller, reported on prom, Spring Fling, and staff appreciation week.  Mr. Miller also spoke about graduation, NICC course data, and the list of events to conclude the school year.   Middle School Principal, Mr. Gearhart, reported on the accomplishments of the boys/girls track team, the butterfly garden, 5th/6th track and field day, and summer school. Elementary Principal, Mr. Elliott, updated the board on the recent completion of FAST testing, ISASP scores, Educator Appreciation Week, spring music performances, and April’s TigerHawk Family Night and TigerHawk Assembly.


Curriculum Director Nefzger reported on professional development and the teacher quality committee.  The teacher quality team recently met to discuss upcoming opportunities to attend conferences and digital training.  Neftzger also reported on results for ISASP testing.  


Business Manager Stansbery reported on FY25 contracts, insurance open enrollment, year-to-date revenues compared to expenditures, and starting to wrap up FY24.  


Superintendent Griffith updated the board on summer help for the custodial department, challenges with finding candidates for open positions, and two Junior representatives as well as two Senior representatives to be approved this summer.  Mr. Griffith also thanked the school board for their commitment to the district and acknowledged them during school board appreciation month.  



No Old Business.



Motion was made by Schultz, seconded by McGrane, to open the public hearing on the FY24 Budget Amendment.  Motion carried 5-0


President Koch provided opening comments regarding the public hearing.


No written comments were submitted, and no oral comments were given.


Motion was made by Klosterman, seconded by Schultz to close the public hearing.  Motion carried 5-0


The board approved the FY24 Budget Amendment.   McGrane/Klosterman  Motion carried 5-0


The board approved the fundraising report for FY24.  McGrane/Rodgers  Motion carried 5-0


The board approved the list of 2024 Graduates.  Klosterman/Schultz  Motion carried 5-0


The board accepted the baseball restroom/pressbox/concession stand from the athletic booster club.  McGrane/Schultz  Motion carried 5-0


The board approved the sharing agreements for FY25 with the following: Keystone AEA for a .4 FTE social worker, South Winneshiek CSD for a .2 FTE curriculum director, and Central CSD for a .2 FTE building director.  Klosterman/Schultz  Motion carried 5-0 


The board reviewed course enrollment trends. 


The board approved the FY25 milk, bread, diesel, LP, and tire bids.  Klosterman/Schultz  Motion carried 5-0 


The board reviewed and approved the 2024-2025 Test Plot Agreement with the Nate Meyer Family.  Klosterman/Rodgers  Motion carried 5-0


The board approved moving the regular board meeting from July 8th to July 15th, 2024.  Klosterman/Schultz  Motion carried 5-0



Discussion on a Washington DC trip for Middle School to be reconsidered.  


The Board went into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(i) for the Superintendent Evaluation at 6:30 pm  McGrane/Klosterman  Roll Call Vote:  Ayes- Rodgers, Klosterman, McGrane, Schultz, Koch  Nays – None.  Motion Carried  

The Board came out of closed session at 8:18 pm  

Motion to adjourn at 8:18pm.  Klosterman/Rodgers  Motion Carried 5-0


______________________________ _____________________________

Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager