Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, May 9, 2022, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52142
NFV Board of Education: LaCreasha Schultz, Julie Ahrens, Amanda Rodgers, Stacy
Cummings, Richard Klosterman, & Emily Koch. Eileen Schlawin was absent. Student Members: Nathan Crocker
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue Thoms; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliot, & Lori Westhoff; Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Barb Schroeder, Christy Radloff, and Shanda Miller; Patrons: Paul Bechtold
President Cummings called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm and Julie Ahrens led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board members: Ahrens, Rodgers, Klosterman, Koch, Cummings, & Schultz. Schlawin was absent.
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of a new contract for Jennifer Everitt – 1st Grade teacher. Ahrens/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
Public Forum: President Cummings welcomed and invited comments from the public.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the April 11 regular meeting
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Morgan Menne – Agriculture/FFA, Brock Sorensen – Industrial Tech, Jasmine Snitker – K-5 Special Education, Susan Wenger – VELC Educator/Curriculum, Bayley Monroe – Paraprofessional
- Approve Transfers: Tricia Anderson – K-5 Special Education
- Approve New Hires: Kylee Smith – Agriculture/FFA, Jenni Thompson – MS Volleyball, Mallory Meyer – Asst HS Volleyball, Erica Gronowski – MS Special Education, Elise Vandersee – Asst Play Director, Jordan Pollock – MS Boys Basketball, Jennifer Everitt – WUE 1st Grade
- Receive & Approve Gifts: Casey’s General Stores monetary donation
Ahrens/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
Principal Elliott reported about transition day for the 3rd and 5th graders, teacher appreciation week, Family Literacy Night, Spring concert, and recent Alice training. Principal Gearhart reported on the ISASP results that are coming in, track successes, tree planting at the campus, annual track & field days to be held this week, summer school, and the kindness t-shirt design.
Nathan Crocker reported on HS student successes in the past month including Spring Fling, Prom, final capstone presentations, annual Spring concerts, track is winding down and baseball and softball are starting. Awards night for Seniors is tomorrow night. Graduation is next Sunday.
Chief Becthold talked about the upcoming Bike Rodeo. This will provide bike helmets for all elementary students in grades k-3.
James Halverson presented his short film regarding Suicide Awareness.
Principal Westhoff reported on Spring cleanup, prep for graduation, and staff appreciation.
Business Manager Thoms reported that open enrollment for health insurance is in process.
Superintendent’s report included the following: End of year recognition will be held on May 25th with lunch at the high school.
The superintendents of the NEIC and UIC as well as Oelwein, Riceville, and Osage met to discuss existing invitations and future opportunities. The discussion will continue on future conference realignments.
Lights in the parking lot at the Valley Campus will have lights replaced.
One student has expressed interest in becoming an ex officio member.
May is School Board Recognition Month – certificates were handed out to the school board members.
Public Hearing on amending the FY22 Certified Budget: President Cummings opened the public hearing on amending the 2021-22 Certified Budget at 5:58 pm. No public comments were received and the hearing was closed at 5:59 pm.
The Board approved amending the FY22 Certified Budget. Schultz/Klosterman Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved an increase in preschool fees for the FY23 school year to $217.73/mo. All other fees will remain the same as follows: 6-12 Book Fees – $90, K-5 Book Fees – $55, 7-12 Band Fee – $10, Percussion Rent – $35, Instrument Rent – $40, Graduation Fee – $10, Adult Athletic Pass – $70, Student Athletic Pass – $30, Senior Citizen Athletic Pass – $30. Klosterman/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved bids for FY23 for the following: Milk – Prairie Farms, Gasoline, Diesel, Fuel Oil, & LP for all sites – Agvantage FS, and tire repair & change – CHE Repair. Ahrens/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved a summer school proposal for all grades in June as well as July for the elementary schools. Teaching staff will be paid $30/hour with paraprofessional supervision at their current hourly rate. This will be paid for with 21st Century grant and ESSER funding. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0.
The Board approved the Senior graduation list pending completion of all requirements. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved sharing agreements with the following: South Winneshiek – Curriculum Director .3 FTE and Postville – Other Business Official .2 FTE. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved the summer band lessons in June as follows: Ted Schacherer – 2 weeks, Jenn Bliven – 1 week, and Abigail Toussaint – 1 week. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved a 3-year audit proposal from Hacker Nelson. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved having a garage sale on June 10th at the Valley Campus from 7 am to 4 pm in order to dispose of obsolete equipment. Schultz/Klosterman Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved purchasing a convection oven for the kitchen at the Valley Campus from Wilson Restaurant Supply in the amount of $10,200. Ahrens/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
The Board approved purchasing the Lexia Learning System on a 3-year contract to be paid out of ESSER III funding in the amount of $40,608.75. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0
The Board discussed the German Trip. We have been approached to host 21 German students in the Fall. Discussion centered on travel concerns overseas, providing the opportunity for our students, travel to other countries, costs involved for the district, and the rushed timeline. The Board moved to pursue this and gather more information. Klosterman/Ahrens Koch abstained. Motion Carried 5-0
Motion to adjourn at 6:36 pm. Schultz/Koch Motion Carried 6-0
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Stacy Cummings, President Sue Thoms, Business Manager