North Fayette Valley Return to Learn
August 3, 2021
At North Fayette Valley we recognize that our mission is about more than educating kids. We are making decisions for the health and well-being of our families, staff, and students. The community’s help in keeping students healthy will be imperative to support the school’s ability to best serve students.
Our goal is to have students on-site, in school for their education. Current guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Iowa Department of Education has remained the same as when school ended in May of 2021. We will continue to stay up to date on all new guidance as it is released and modify our plan as needed while also communicating these potential changes to the public in a timely manner.
With staff, student, family and community support, we can maintain important partnerships to help prioritize health & safety while allowing our students to attend school in person.
NFV will not be offering an online education option. The following learning models are described to help families understand what possibilities may be available depending on state guidance. Hybrid and Remote will only be utilized if directed by IDPH.
Return to Learn Delivery Models-
Depending on Iowa Department of Public Health requirements
- On-Site Learning - face to face learning in NFV school buildings
- Hybrid Learning - a combination of on-site and remote learning A hybrid model will only be implemented if required by the IDPH.
- Remote Learning - virtual instruction received from a distance as a short-term solution A remote model will only be implemented if required by IDPH.
*The school district will ensure equitable access to learning for all students, with special consideration in the areas: Special Education, TAG, Title l, At-Risk, Poverty, 504, and ELL.
General Information
- Families will be expected to symptom screen at home prior to students entering buses or school facilities. Parents must keep their children at home if they are ill. (See School Health section for the list of symptoms).
- Hand washing will continue to be a priority.
- Face coverings will be optional for all per Iowa code. For those wanting to wear masks, please provide your own face covering. The school is not able to enforce mask wearing.
- Student attendance will be addressed on an individual basis. Policies will reflect implementation that does not pressure staff or students to come to school when ill or displaying symptoms.
- The District has considered accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety. Please contact the school nurse if your child has specific health concerns that put them at an increased level of risk.
Buildings & Facilities
- At this time drinking fountains remain inaccessible. Students are encouraged to bring refillable water bottles. The bottle fillers are operational.
- High contact surfaces will be cleaned regularly. Our goal will be to keep our building as clean as possible to limit the spread of illnesses.
- Buses/Shuttles
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands and use good hygiene at all times.
- Buses will be cleaned regularly.
- Students and staff are welcome to wear face coverings, though not required.
- The schedule will allow for all staff and students to wash hands prior to and after eating meals.
*The strategies to limit exposure to food allergens will remain a priority.
School Health
- Families will be responsible for symptom screening at home. If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep your child at home. Seek medical assistance and contact the school nurse or office secretary.
- Fever over 100.4, chills, muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Cough, shortness of breath
- Sore throat, congestion or runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Loss of taste or smell
- Individuals who test positive for COVID-19, are waiting for test results, or have been in close contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19 should follow Iowa Department of Public Health & local county Public Health guidelines requiring self-isolation.
- Families are expected to communicate with the school regarding absences and medical conditions.
- The District will work with public health to provide opportunity for staff and others associated with the school to receive optional vaccination.
Getting Ready for School This Year:
- Parents can help support students and schools by having children practice proper hygiene.
- Be mindful of avoiding those that are ill.
- Talk about physical distancing and teach your child to observe and practice physical distancing.
- Avoid large gatherings and limit travel.
General Information:
- The hybrid model will only be accessed if required by the Iowa Department of Public Health or other entities that have appropriate authority.
- Mitigation strategies listed in the On-Site Learning section of this document apply to the hybrid learning delivery as well.
- This model allows schools to meet physical distancing recommendations by scheduling a smaller quantity of students in the building at a time.
- Grade levels may all look differently in the hybrid model as we continue to receive guidance from the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Department of Public Health, local county Public Health and the CDC.
General Information:
- The remote model will only be accessed if required by the Iowa Department of Public Health or other entities that have appropriate authority
- This entails required remote attendance and learning for students of all grade levels (JK-12)
- The district will follow requirements to meet the learning needs of all students including IEP, 504, ELL, TAG and other student support services.
A remote learning model will be used in times where the classroom, school or district closes due to COVID-19 restrictions. This model will entail required continuous learning where students will have academic work distributed by their teachers through online systems (i.e. Seesaw, Google Classroom or Schoology) and students are required to participate.
References & Additional Resources:
- IDPH Issues Updated COVID-19 Guidance to Schools and Child Care Settings
- House File 847
- Social Emotional Behavioral Health - Iowa’s Education Agencies