November 11, 2024 Agenda

North Fayette Valley Community School District

Monday, November 11, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

NFV HS Library

600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175



  2. Welcome Public
  4. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of October 14, 2024, regular meeting 
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports (Reviewed by Kris McGrane)
    4. Approve Contracts and Resignations
      1. Resignations/Retirements
        1. Ron Franzen – Effective June 30, 2025
        2. Jenna Fassbinder- End of 24-25 school year
        3. Keri Herriage
      2. Transfers 
      3. Contract Modifications
      4. New Hires
        1. William Durnan – Custodial
        2. Katlyn Guyer – West Union Elementary Secretary
        3. Lydia Knox – WUE Paraprofessional
      5. Volunteer Coaches
        1. Jon Kullen – Varsity Girls Wrestling
    5.  Receive and Approve Gifts: Dean Family Chiropractic, Holly & Michael Johnson, State Farm Insurance, West Union Dental, West Union Trenching, Palmer Memorial Foundation, All Stop, Norm Einck, Gary Bemiss, Marcia Nuss 
  5. Communications
    1. National FFA Convention and CTE
    2. Student Ex-Officio Members
    3. Principals
    4. Curriculum Director
    5. Business Manager
    6. Superintendent
  6. Old Business
  1. Approve the Second Reading of the 507 and 508 Series policies
  2. Approve the Second Reading of 103 and 103-R1 policies
  1. New Business
    1. Public Hearing Regarding 2025-2026 Calendar Adoption
    2. Approve the FY26 School Calendar
    3. Approve purchasing a replacement cooler
    4. Approve access point monitoring system
    5. Approve purchasing two 12-passenger vans
    6. Approve the Athletic Trainer Agreement with Gundersen Palmer
  2. Board Discussion-Facilities
  3. Board Discussion for Possible Agenda Items
  4. Adjourn