Sheila Noska Duane Willhite Julie Ahrens
Brian Weskow Todd Wolverton Stacy Cummings
Linda Johansen Micah Gearhart Dawn Daughton
Amy Hameister Travis Elliott Carolyn Roys
Michelle Schaefers Marc Rue
Clay Schaefers BUSINESS MANAGER Eileen Schlawin
Martha Bartenhagen Sue Thoms Alex Soderquist
Chris DeBack
Carole Nading
Regular Board Meeting
Board President Cummings called the regular meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. in the NFV High School Library, 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA.
Members present: Ahrens, Cummings, Daughton, Roys, Rue, Schlawin and Soderquist.
Absent: none.
Vice President Soderquist led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion to approve agenda as amended adding item 4. K. 12 & 13 (board policy revision 502.7 & 502.8). Daughton/Schlawin. Motion carried: 7-0.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of the October 8, 2018 Regular Meeting and October 22, 2018 Special Meeting
- Approve invoices (Board member Schlawin performed the audit of bills)
- Approve financial reports
- Approve Contracts and resignations:
- Resignations: Karissa Butikofer (Para); Brent Kuker (Asst. Volleyball coach); Melanie Bauch (MS Secretary)
- Notification of at-will assignments: Corey Mincks (Custodian-Valley campus); Jillian Lauer (MS Secretary); Jamie German- transfer (Librarian/Guidance Assistant – Valley campus)
- Requested transfers and contracts: Seth Owings, (Soccer Coach); LeVirgil Monroe (MS Wrestling)
- Volunteer coach contract: Christian Trafelet (Drill Team); Jon Kullen (Wrestling); Winston Robbins (Wrestling); Elise Vandersee (Bowling)
- Receive/approve gifts
- Special Olympics – monetary gift, Drama Department – monetary gift; NFV MS – 3 door display case
Ahrens/Soderquist. Motion carried 7-0.
Curriculum Director and Principal reports were included in the board packets for review.
Superintendent report included updates on:
- Baker Excavating notified the school they will no longer be doing snow removal. Snow removal for the 2018 season will be completed by Jeff Albers, Super Landscaping. The district will be soliciting bids for mowing and snow removal this winter and bids will come to the board for approval.
- New money for fiscal year 20 will be $70,920 due to the 1% budget guarantee.
Board member Ahrens gave a brief overview of the IASB conference and the Delegate Assembly.
Motion to approve for second read and revision, policy 903.2 Volunteer Drivers as presented.
Schlawin/Ahrens. Motion carried 7-0.
Motion to approve the Mental Health Awareness Team field trip to St. Paul, MN on December 2, 2018. Soderquist/Schlawin. Motion carried (7-0)
After a discussion with Amy Hameister of Legacy Tours: Motion to approve the 8th grade field trip to Washington D.C. in October of 2019. Soderquist/Roys. Motion carried 7-0. (This will involve the current 7th grade class, allowing enough time for students, parents, patrons to fund raise for this trip.)
Motion to approve the Services Agreement with Medical Enterprises as presented.
Rue/Schlawin. Motion carried 7-0. (This agreement covers the drug and alcohol testing done on the district’s bus drivers)
Motion to approve the Parent and Family Engagement Policy for 2018-19 as presented.
Soderquist/Roys. Motion carried 7-0. (This policy now meets the needs of the ESSA plan for Iowa.)
Motion to approve the payment of retainage to Wicks Construction for the completed West Union Elementary Parking Improvements. Schlawin/Soderquist. Motion carried 7-0.
After viewing a video presentation and listening to information provided by Mr. Wolverton:
Motion to approve the Touch Screen Interactive School History. Soderquist/Ahrens.
Motion carried 7-0. (This touch screen technology will provide a replacement for the graduate composite photos and to support and archive activities and academic highlights of the district.)
Fayette Playground Project was tabled until a later meeting.
Motion to approve the Student Teacher contract with William Penn. Schlawin/Roys.
Motion carried 7-0.
No action needed to be taken on the the 5th grade fundraiser through
Funding will be provided via alternate funding.
Motion to approve the SBRC application in the amount of $ $133,280 for 20 Open Enrolled Out students not included in the October 2017 enrollment and $4501 for 3 students with a 2.2 weighting in the ELL program. Rue/Schlawin. Motion carried 7-0.
The Board performed a first read for revision/rescinding(one) of the following policies as presented. Most of these revisions are recommended by IASB.
- Policy 213 – Public Participation in Board Meetings – revision
- Policy 213.1 – Public Complaints – revision (IASB recommended)
- Regulation 213.1R1 – rescind
- Policy 502.3 – Freedom of Expression – revision
- Policy 502.6 – Weapons – revision
- Policy 502.7 – Smoking-Drinking-Drugs – revision
- Policy 502.8 – Search and Seizure – revision
- Policy 505.5 – Graduation requirements – revision (IASB recommended)
- Policy 704.3 – Investments – revision (IASB recommended)
- Policy 705.1 – Purchasing-Bidding – revision (IASB recommended)
- Policy 710.2 – Free or Reduced Cost Meal eligibility – revision (IASB recommended)
- Policy 710.4 – Meal Charges – revision
- Policy 804.2 – Warning System and Emergency Plans – revision (IASB recommended)
Curriculum director, Betsy Nefzger invited the board to participate in a book study on “The Leader in Me”. They will review the first chapter at their next regular board meeting. This is an initiative being implemented with staff and students in all NFV facilities.
The December 10, 2018 Board Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Fayette Center, Fayette, Iowa.
Motion to adjourn. Soderquist/Ahrens. Motion carried 7-0.
The board adjourned their regular meeting at 7:04 p.m.
____________________________ _________________________
Stacy Cummings, President Carole Nading, Secretary