Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, 6:21 p.m., Monday October, 14 2019 in the High School Library, 600 North Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175.
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens, Dawn Daughton, LaCreasha McNeese, and Eileen Schlawin. Stacy Cummings, Marc Rue, and Carolyn Roys, were absent
Others: Superintendent: Duane Willhite, HS Principal: Todd Wolverton, Business Manager: Sue Thoms, WUE Principal: Travis Elliot, VE & MS Principal: Micah Gearhart, Business Manager: Sue Thoms, Supt. Secretary: Susan Winter, Media: Megan Molseed, Student Ex-officio members: Joey Shea, Taylor Ney Public: Amy Ihde, Emily Koch, Steff Sass, Donna Bausch, Shanda Miller, Christie Radloff, & Courtney Bentley
Business Manager Thoms called the regular meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 6:21 p.m.
Board members present: Ahrens,Daughton, McNeese, and Schlawin. Absent Cummings, Rue, and Roys.
Board member Daughton took over the meeting as the appointed chair.
Motion to approve the agenda as printed with the addition of considering a Young Women’s Club at the HS as item M. Ahrens/Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Public Forum: No comments were made.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes of September 9, 2019- regular meeting
- Review and approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve contracts and resignation
- New Hires: Jamie Holinrake, shared H. R. assistant, Shirley Durnan – Para VELC, Lisa Ellis, WUE para
- Receive and approve a monetary gift from Robert Van Horn for the NFV drill team
Schlawin, Ahrens. Motion carried 4-0
Student Reports: Taylor Ney reported the XC team will be at Clayton Ridge for the conference meet on Thursday and NFV will host the District meet on October 24th. Joey Shae reported the band participated in the state marching band contest and received a Division II rating. The NFV Choir attended the conference vocal fest at Luther. The fall musical will be Legally Blonde with performances on November 8, 9, & 10.
Principal and Curriculum Director reports were included in board packets and reviewed. Principals expressed their frustrations with the lack of teacher and para subs. The recent ALICE training went well at all buildings.
Superintendent Report included updates on:
- Enrollment – NFV is down almost 4 students for this year, however we are seeing a decrease of 23 students who are open enrolled out.
- Special Ed Deficit – the certified deficit number is $588,152.82 for FY19.
Board member report: Curriculum Director, Betsy Nefzger thanked the group for participating in the recent book study.
Discussion on Valley Daycare and the concept of looking at locations for a stand alone building on the Valley Campus. This could be a $300,000-400,000 project, mostly OPM if they can get the grants and donations. The district contribution would be primarily in-kind, building site and improvements. Ahrens made a motion to continue with planning and utilize the land around the Valley site buildings. McNeese seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0
Courtney Bentley and Donna Bausch, members of the WUE PTO playground project gave the board an update that included a financial report and requested $22,000 in district contribution to help make the December payment due date for the equipment. They currently have raised $33,221.92 with plans to continue fundraising along with completing grant applications. Motion to approve the contribution of $22,000. Schlawin, McNeese Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the sale of the FFA refurbished Farmall M tractor with sealed bids accepted through noon on November 7th. Schlawin, Ahrens Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the bid of $10,400 from Jake Downs to replace the shingles on the Downtown Academy Roof with a metal roof. Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the stipend of $4,000 to Jay Swenka for the daily chlorination testing at the Valley site. Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the Limited English Proficiency funding of $23,442.42. (based on expenditures from the 18-19 school year with funding in the 2020-21 school year.) Schlawin, McNeese Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the $1000 contribution to the West Union Park and Rec to assist with payment of scoreboards. Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Consideration and first read of Therapy Dog Policies:
606.3 – Animals in the Classroom (no changes – review)
508.6 (old number) New policy # 606.3R1 Service Animals in the School
606.3R2 – Therapy Dog Teams in NFV Schools (new regulation)(Service and Therapy Dog)
Superintendent Willhite shared that the installation of the solar panels at the Fayette Elementary has been completed. Rachael Strong, Middle School FFA Instructor is working on identifying plants and shrubs that can be planted to help beautify the project. The hope will be to get some things planted this fall with work on the interior fence in upcoming seasons.
Motion to approve the 2019-2020 SIAC Committee as presented with the addition of Jess Dean. Ahrens, McNeese Motion carried 4-0 ( Meetings will be held Oct. 16, Jan. 22, and April 15)
Motion to approve the Hall of Fame Committee criteria and guidelines with the addition of ‘Staff’ after Faculty in the award categories. Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Motion to approve the German Exchange program for the FY21 school year. Ahrens, McNeese Motion carried 4-0
The Board performed a first read on revision of policies:
- 203 – Board of Directors Conflict of Interest
- 206.2 – Vice President
- 307 – Communication Channels
- 501.5 – Attendance Center Assignment
- 505.5 – Graduation Credits – High School
- 603.1 – Basic Instruction Program
Motion to approve the Young Woman’s Club at the NFV HS. Principal Wolverton stated that a number of students have requested this to empower young women in the HS. Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
Possible agenda items for the November 11, 2019 board meeting may include: Organizational meeting for FY20.
Superintendent Willhite reminded the board of the special meeting next Monday for the public hearing and approval of the agreement for the solar fields at the Valley site and the HS.
Motion to adjourn Ahrens, Schlawin Motion carried 4-0
The board adjourned their regular meeting at 7:44 p.m.
______________________ ________________________
Dawn Daughton, Vice President Sue Thoms Board Secretary