October 9, 2023 Minutes




Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, October 9, 2023, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin, Emily Koch, Julie 

Ahrens, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, & Richard Klosterman.  Student members: Brooklyn Hoey and Nolan Bakke

Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Kassie
Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary:  Susan Winter;
Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris Miller; 
Media: Mike VanSickle; Staff: Justin Heins, Shanda
Miller, Jordan Pollock, Hannah Winter, Jessica White,
Jeannie Krambeer, Jenna Fassbinder, Shelly Crandall,
Garrett Crandall, Kylee Smith, Mallory Meyer


President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Present: Koch, Klosterman, Cummings, Rodgers,  Ahrens & Schlawin. Schultz, absent.   Klosterman led the board and audience in the pledge of allegiance.    


The agenda was approved as presented.  Ahrens/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0


Public Forum:  President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public. 

Jordan Pollock, Garrett Crandall, and Kylee Smith commented to the board.  


Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes from September 11, 2023, Regular Meeting
  • Review/approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Resignations:Carol Johnson-Food Service
  • Approve New Hires: Brandi Hurd – Custodial
  • Receive and Approve Gifts: Euphoria Farmers Market


Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0



Instructional Coaches White, Krambeer, and Fassbinder presented to the board regarding the coaching cycle and provided examples of their results based coaching tool they use to set goals, actions steps, and the learning result they are aiming to achieve.  


Student Ex-Officio Members updated the board on fall sports, marching band competition, and the student involvement/success of homecoming.


Principals’ reports included an update on the success of homecoming, academic award ceremony, upcoming parent/teacher conferences, and progress of the student musical. Principals also updated the board regarding middle school sports, social emotional learning, the healthy state walk, LIM (Leader in Me), and the value of the instructional coaches for the teachers. 


Curriculum Director Nefzger spoke about the mentoring program established for new teachers, teacher leadership program, and uPAR, a screener to identify students that benefit from an audio accommodation.   


Justin Heins reported that the football game will be on Thursday due to an official shortage. 


Business Manager Stansbery reported the end of month total revenue and expenditures, and the YTD for revenue and expenditures in regards to the end of first quarter and planning for the annual meeting. 


Superintendent’s report included snow day procedures, updated inventory management, board member election, the federal School Safety Application, highlights regarding the transportation program Transversa, and a certified enrollment update.  



The Board held and approved the second reading of the Board Policies 408-419.  Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion 6-0



The board approved the Early Graduation Requests.  Schlawin/Rodgers  Motion 6-0


The board approved a designated bus stop request from Travis and Melissa Scholbrock.    Klosterman/Ahrens Motion 6-0


The board approved the proposed changes to the Online Learning Agreement.  Schlawin/Ahrens  Motion 6-0


The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $38,718.57 for Limited English Proficiency learners.  The board approved the application to be submitted.  Schlawin/Cummings  Motion 6-0 


The board approved setting a public hearing regarding the sale of the Fayette Elementary building on November 13, 2023 at the regular scheduled board meeting.    Klosterman/Cummings  Motion 6-0


The board approved amending board policy 201 R-1.   Klosterman/Ahrens  Motion 6-0


The board approved the submitted snow removal bid by Super Landscape effective from October 2023 to October 2026.   Klosterman/Ahrens  Motion 6-0


The board approved an agreement with Black Hawk Waste in regards to the self-compacting dumpster removal from the Valley Campus for direct payment to the district.   Ahrens/Rodgers Motion 6-0



Discussion was held regarding the standard based grading system and interest to have a conversation revisiting the effectiveness of this practice.  There was also a request to discuss the Iowa School Board Convention topics that will be discussed prior to the NFV delegate attending.  A request for a homecoming group in preparation for next year in reference to student conduct. FFA requested to speak at the November meeting after the National Convention.  


Motion to adjourn at 6:49 pm.    Cummings/Ahrens  Motion Carried 6-0


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Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager