Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, September 11, 2023, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Stacy Cummings, Eileen Schlawin, Emily Koch, Julie
Ahrens, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, & Richard Klosterman. Student members: Brooklyn Hoey and Nolan Bakke
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Kassie
Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter;
Principals: Micah Gearhart, Travis Elliott, Chris Miller;
Media: Sharon Drahn; Staff: Barb Schroeder, Shanda
Miller, Jordan Pollock, Hannah Winter; Patrons: Jaycee
Lopez, Mia Chapman
President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:31 p.m.
Roll Call of Board members: Koch, Klosterman, Schultz, Cummings, Rodgers, Ahrens & Schlawin. Rich Klosterman led the board and audience in the pledge of allegiance.
The amended agenda was approved with the modification of New Business item j. Consider an Easement to be dropped and replaced with letter L. Consider an Agreement with the WU Recreation Foundation. And an addition of m. Approve Policy 201-R1 in one reading. Cummings/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
Public Forum: President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.
Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:
- Minutes from August 14, 2023, Regular Meeting
- Review/approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Resignations: Lynnette Henry – paraprofessional, Ronald Schute – bus driver Approve Contract Modifications: Dana Leitzman – Paraprofessional
- Approve New Hires: Jenni Thompson – MS Concessions Coordinator, John Bendt – ESports Coach Fall Season
- Volunteer Coaches: Dan Hovden
- Receive and Approve Gifts: Homeland Energy – ESports, Tobin Britt – Golf
Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
Student Ex-Officio Members presented information about Freshman orientation, upcoming Homecoming week, & sports updates.
Principals’ reports included updates regarding the beginning of the year, new phonics program, FAST testing, TCLC, and VELC, a smooth transition of 4th and 5th grade students, athletics, Leader In Me, goals for the year, summer school credit recovery, PD, MTSS Level of support, student engagement training, and daily routines/expectations.
Curriculum Director Nefzger was not in attendance, but Superintendent Griffith presented the information she provided to the board in regard to testing results.
Business Manager Stansbery reported on the submission of the FY23 Certified Annual Report, Special Education Supplement, as well as the Annual Transportation Report. The Fall Conference for School Business officials will be at the end of the month in Altoona.
The superintendent’s report included a discussion regarding education-related laws passed by the Iowa Legislature this past spring. Homecoming is scheduled for the week of October 2.
There was no old business to take action on.
The Board approved certified lane changes for the 2023-2024 school year for Erica Grownoski to MA, Dawn Halverson to BA+15, Tina Halverson to MA+30, Kelli Lau to BA+45, and Jacob Pedersen to MA. Cummings/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the District Goals regarding student achievement and social-emotional learning as presented. Schultz/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the School Improvement Advisory Committee Members. Cummings/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the snow removal specifications for 2023-2024 with modifications to the defined inches. Schultz/Cummings Motion Carried 7-0
Superintendent Griffith reported on the Special Education Deficit for FY23 in the amount of $483,364.45. The board approved the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors for the North Fayette Valley Community School District will request allowable growth and supplemental aid for the FY23 Special Education deficit in the amount of $483,364.45 or as adjusted by the Department of Education.
Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the School Security updated contract with Five Star Telecom Inc. Klosterman/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved field trips as presented for 2023-2024. Cummings/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the Lau Plan. Ahrens/Schultz Motion Carried 7-0
The Board approved the Gifted and Talented Plan. Schultz/Rodgers Motion Carried 7-0
The Board held and approved the first reading of the Board Policies 408-419. Cummings/Ahrens Motion 7-0
The board considered and approved a timeline for the sale of Fayette Elementary. Klosterman/Schlawin Motion Carried 7-0
The board considered and approved an agreement with the West Union Recreation Foundation regarding their solar array. Schlawin/Klosterman Motion Carried 7-0
The board approved the update to Policy 201-R1 in one reading. Schlawin/Ahrens Motion Carried 7-0
Discussion was had concerning the request for presentations from educators in regard to student progress/activities in the district.
Motion to adjourn at 6:46 p.m. Cummings/Schlawin Motion Carried 7-0
______________________________ _____________________________
Emily Koch, President Kassie Stansbery, Business Manager