July 8, 2019 Agenda


Special closed session to interview student candidates

 North Fayette Valley Community School District

    Monday, July 8, 2019  5:30 p.m.

    NFV Middle School Library

23439 Canoe Road, Elgin, IA  52141




  1.  Call to order
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Closed Session for ch. 21.5(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that person’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
  4. Adjourn special closed session

Meeting of North Fayette Valley Community School District

    Monday, July 8, 2019  6:00 p.m. or immediately following closed session

    NFV Middle School Library

    23439 Canoe Road, Elgin, IA  52141




  3. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of June 10, 2019 – Regular Meeting
      2. Minutes of June 21, 2019 – Special Meeting
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Contracts and resignations – 
      1. Resignations – Jackie Post; Fayette Cook
      2. New Hires – Tristen Miller, Valley custodian
    5. Receive and approve Gifts
  4. Communications
    1. Principals’ Reports
    2. Curriculum Director Report 
    3. Superintendent Report 
      1. German Trip Report – Tammy Wolverton
    4. Board Member reports
      1. Leader in Me Book Study – Chapter 7
    1. Appoint Student Ex-officio member(s) to the board
    1. Revise BP #409.3, 409.5 and 409.9
    2. Approve Staff Handbook changes for 2019-20
    3. Student Handbook changes
    4. Consider Solar installations at bus barn and Fayette Elem.
    5. Consider purchase of van or suburban
    6. Approve Science Curriculum Purchase
    7. Consider Special Ed Service Delivery Plan
    8. Discussion item:  Daycare facility @ Valley Campus
    9. Discussion item: Graduation Day 2020
  7. Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  8. Closed Session to discuss Records which are authorized or required to be kept confidential., Per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5(1)(a)  re: Review of Emergency Operations Plans
  9. Approve Emergency Operations Plan for 2019-20
  10. Adjourn


TO:        NFV School Board members

FROM:    Duane WIllhite, Supt.

Date:        July 3, 2019

RE:        Notes for July 8, 2019 Board Meeting





  • Consent Agenda
  • G. Approval of Minutes
  • Minutes of June 10, 2019 – Regular Meeting
  • Review and approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Contracts and resignations
  • Resignations – Jackie Post; Fayette Cook
  • New Hires – Tristen Miller, Valley custodian
  • Receive and approve Gifts
  • Communications
  • Principals’ Reports
  • Curriculum Director Report
  • Superintendent Report
  • German Trip Report – Tammy Wolverton  Tammy is coordinator of this trip and along with Mr. Wolverton were the chaperones for this years’ trip.  Tammy will give us a rundown on how it went and some trip highlights for our students.
  • Solar project update –   We still have a couple local investors looking at the project, but we are also going forward with setting locations and coordinating through Alliant knowing that investors exist and the details of the agreement is basically set by John.  Our design and interconnection have been approved and so we are still on track to get the project started this summer.
  • Board Member reports
  • Leader in Me Book Study – Chapter 7
  • Appoint Student Ex-officio member(s) to the board  We will have spoken to our 5 candidates (one has dropped out) in a closed session to interview at 5:30 today.  This will be the time to recommend and vote on their membership.


    1. Approve Staff Handbook changes for 2019-20  The proposed changes are on a document in the packet.  These are the items that we have discussed in our labor management meetings and that administration and employees have tentatively agreed to change.  
    2. Revise BP #409.3, 409.5 and 409.9  These policies are aligned with the handbook language, so if we approve the suggested changes in the handbook, we will have to follow up with the same language for these two policies on leaves.
    3. Student Handbook changes  Mr. Gearhart has his student handbook changes ready and noted in the packet.  He is off on his July vacation so he won’t be available. If you see something that you have a question on let me know and I can most likely explain his reasoning for the change.
    4. Consider Solar installations at Bus barn and Fayette Elem.  We had the bids due and opened on July 2 at 2:00 pm.  Three bids were received, one from Rabe Hardware in Vinton, IA;  one from Perry Novak of Decorah IA; and One from Walvatne Electric, Hawkeye Iowa.  After reviewing the proposals and the backgrounds of each bidder we’ll have a recommendation.  These arrays are being purchased without a PPA, so it is an expense directly from our SAVE funds.
    5. Consider Special Ed Service Delivery Plan – We have added one additional special education teacher this year in the High School and we still have a heavy load for several of our teachers. Due to this growth in Special Ed enrollment, the AEA consultants have proposed a district wide system of providing services for the level 2 and level 3 students in each grade span.  


We believe that serving high needs students in district wide classrooms with teachers trained to handle these students needs is the best way to go.  We already have the Downtown Academy and a level three room in the high school for 9-12 Behavioral and Cognitive programming. Plus a behavioral room and an academic room in Valley for MS students.  Our change is then for the K-3 population, we plan to send K-3 students to either WUE or Valley Elementary dependent on their highest needs. This will require a bit of transportation but we hope to utilize the shuttle buses for some students, accompanied by paras on the bus.

The new plan was discussed at length during our retreat in June and we believe that we can make each teacher more effective by instituting.  This new plan will NOT impact level one students, they will always be staying in their current district building. However, it will require us to transport a few more students.

      1. Approve Science Curriculum Purchase  This is a purchase of hands on equipment and lessons from FOSS kits.  I recommend approval
      2. Consider purchase of van or suburban – We are looking hard for a used Suburban to put on the road for some of the special education routes we are currently operating.  Last year we had 4 vans on the roads at one time or another, We will not know what our special education load will be, but we did lose a couple students who were creating some of the longer trips.
      3. Discussion item:  Daycare facility @ Valley Campus  It has become apparent that day care providers on the East side of the district are very hard to find.  This has led the Valley Preschool Inc. to start looking for a site where their organization could open a day care facility similar to KKCC.  Thus far they are not having much luck in finding a building to host this enterprise, so they are also looking towards the school for help in this area.  Mr. Gearhart has written a synapsis of the situation and a couple of options that the district could utilize to assist with this issue.
      4. Discussion item: Graduation Day 2020  it has come to our attention that graduation day 2020 has been scheduled on the Friday of the State Track meet.  Most likely we will have students participating in Des Moines that afternoon and/or evening. We should change the date of graduation but that creates some tough decisions.  Our best option would be to use Sunday, May 24th (Memorial Day Weekend), or we could move to either Friday before the state track meet (May 15) as the seniors only need 1050 hours for a complete school year and you can dismiss them from snow make up days.  Or the weekend after, May 29th, as it is likely that snow days will extend the school year to that date. The fourth option would be to pick a weeknight for graduation, but I doubt that would be very popular. We placed this on the agenda for a discussion at the board level, but to also get feedback from others if they have an opinion.  We do like the evening start times for graduation, so we’d like to maintain a 7:00 pm start time.


  • Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  • Closed session for Emergency Operations Plans  The Emergency operations plan is not a public document.  The DOE has recommended that we do not share it widely to the public so as to keep our plans safe and confidential.  The security of the plan is for the good of all staff and students.
  • Adjourn