June 14, 2021 Agenda

North Fayette Valley Community School District

Monday, May 10, 2021 6:00 p.m.

NFV MS Library

23493 Canoe Road, Elgin IA  52164


A tour of the NFV MS and Valley Elementary facilities will start at 5:00 pm




  3. Welcome Public
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of May 10 & 24, 2021 – Regular & Special Meetings
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Contracts and Resignations
      1. Resignations –
        1. Erica Gronowski – MS Special Ed
        2. Mark Nuss – Varsity Track
      2. New Hires –
        1. Chris Miller – Asst HS Principal/Activities Director
        2. Jade Daughton – 9th Asst Volleyball Coach
      3. Involuntary Transfers –
      4. Transfers-
        1. Kim Kleve – MS Special Ed from MS English
        2. Ashley Becker – FE 4th grad to MS English
        3. Molly J Holthaus – MS Science to FE 4th grade
        4. Rachel Strong – MS AG/Project Lead the Way to MS Science
      5. Volunteer Coach –
      6. Receive and Approve Gifts:
  5. Communications
    1. Student Ex- Officio Members
    2. Principals
    3. Curriculum Director
    4. Business Manager
    5. Superintendent
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
    1. Approve Sharing Agreements with South Winn
      1. HR position
      2. Curriculum Director
    2. Adult Lunch Price
    3. First reading of the 2021-2022 Staff Handbook
    4. Summer Projects
    5. Consideration of WUE change orders
    6. Consideration of 2022 Graduation Date
  8. Board Discussion for Possible Agenda Items
  9. Adjourn