June 8, 2020 Agenda

NFV Logo outlined in blackNorth Fayette Valley Community School District

Monday, June 8, 2020 6:00 p.m.

NFV High School Library

600 N. Pine St, West Union, IA 52175







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Meeting ID: 959 416 7174

Password: NFV




  3. Approve Board Secretary
  4. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of meeting May 11, 2020
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Contracts and resignations 
      1. Resignations – Jenna Beaty, MS VB, Jared Tilleras, FY21 Asst BB coach, Brooke Lodge, Bruce Ehler, Todd Wolverton, Denise Thompson
      2. Involuntary transfer – Lauren Thoms
      3. New Hires – Brianna Anick, HS asst VB, 
      4. Volunteer Coach –
    5. Receive and approve Gifts 
  5. Communications
    1. Student Reports
    2. Principals
    3. Curriculum Director
    4. Superintendent 
      1. Return to learn update
      2. Principal search schedule
      3. Supt. transition report
    1. Set Student fees
    2. Temporary Board Policy 
    3. Summer school proposal
    4. Approve students ex-officio board member search
    5. Solar Production Report
    6. Work Comp Insurance change
    7. Consider Sub Pay increase
    8. Consider transfer enrollment
    9. Approve Crowd Funding for WUE Playground project
    10. Approve Junior Achievement for Valley Elementary
    11. Approve sharing agreements with South Winn
      1. HR/Payroll
      2. Curriculum Director
    12. Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  8.  Adjourn


To:  NFV School Board

From:  Duane WIllhite

RE: June 8, 2020 School Board Meeting

Date: June 4, 2020




  • Approve Board Secretary
  • Consent Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Minutes of meeting May 11, 2020
  • Review and approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Contracts and resignations
  • Resignations – Jenna Beaty, MS VB, Jared Tilleras, FY21 Asst BB coach, Brooke Lodge, Bruce Ehler, Todd Wolverton, Denise Thompson
  • Involuntary transfer – Lauren Thoms
  • New Hires – Brianna Anick, HS asst VB,
  • Volunteer Coach –
  • Receive and approve Gifts
  • Communications
  • Student Reports
  • Principals
  • Curriculum Director
  • Superintendent
  • Return to learn update
  • Principal search schedule
  • Supt. transition report
  • Set Student fees  For the 20-21 year we recommend no change in fees.
  • Temporary Board Policy   The enclosed temporary policy is from Ahlers firm and follows the language of the FFRCA and CARES legislation.  It has language for local district actions that I recommend we follow.  I may have more on Monday, but this preparation for FY21 in case of distance learning or other emergency delivery model is necessary.
  • Summer school proposal  We would like to try and give students with achievement gaps a chance to catch up this summer.  This proposal is pending teacher recruitment, but we’d have a program for both elementaries and regular high/middle school credit recovery.
  • Approve students ex-officio board member search  This should get out to jr and sr students so that you can pick a representative for next year in July.
  • Solar Production Report  I will have reports on the productivity of our panels on Monday.  Because we haven’t had school since March and the HS panels were just turned on in February we really don’t have any compatibility values.  But we can see the production and the cost we would have paid to Alliant had we not had them.
  • Work Comp. Insurance change – Our Workmen Compensation costs to EMC are typically the largest variable in our policy costs.  This past year the claims have substantial reserves attached to them, and EMC offered us the option of a less expensive company, SFM Insurance for comparison in potential rates for that module only.  It is a much cheaper option and very nearly the same coverage.  We recommend a change in the Workman’s Comp only to this company.
  • Consider Sub Pay increase  Our daily pay for substitutes if $110 per day and $140 for long term subbing.  Districts around us are at $110 minimally, and go as high as $125 at Western Dubuque.  A few of our neighbors pay a per diem of the BA base for long term subbing, which is around $170 a day for them.  I am really concerned with sub availability because we rely heavily on retirees and some have already said they will not sub due to concerns of COVID.  We need to at least be competitive with the daily rate,  I recommend going to $110 for daily and $150 for long term.  I’d also like you to consider a $10 per day “hazard pay” if they are subbing during a pandemic emergency proclamation.  I anticipate the current proclamation to expire, but the fall surge that is predicted would probably return.
  • Consider transfer enrollment  Leah Sayer, first grade teacher at the Valley Elementary, lives in Fayette and is requesting moving her children to Valley Elementary.  She would be responsible for transportation.  I would recommend approval as long as that does not impact a high enrollment classroom negatively.
  • Approve Crowd Funding for WU Elementary Playground project As per board policy, the WUE PTO is asking for permission to crowd fund for the new playground. I recommend we allow it.


      1. Approve Junior Achievement for VE
      2. Approve Sharing Agreements with South Winn
        1. HR/Payroll
        2. Curriculum Director


  • Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  •  Adjourn