North Fayette Valley Community School District
Monday, March 9, 2020 6:00 p.m.
NFV Middle School Library*
23493 Canoe Road, Elgin IA 52141
*NOTE: Board tour of Proposed Day Care Site at 5:45 in the Pre-school building.
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of February 10, 2020 regular meeting, February 17, 24 & March 2, 2020 special meetings
- Review and approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Contracts and resignations –
- Resignations – Seth Owings, Boys Soccer Coach
- New Hires – Ignacio Fuentes, Head Boys Soccer, Bayley Monroe, paraprofessional at HS
- Volunteer Coach – Zach Massman, Track
- Receive and approve Gifts
- Approval of Minutes
- Communications
- Student Reports
- Principals
- Curriculum Director
- Superintendent
- Legislative Update
- Physical Plant Plan review
- Public Hearing for 2020-21 Calendar Approval
- Open public hearing for comments on 2020-21 calendar
- Public remarks
- Close public hearing
- Approve FY21 calendar
- Consider Policy #705.5 Public purpose
- Consider New Wellness Policy, BP # 507.9
- Public Hearing for 2020-21 Calendar Approval
- Approve Superintendent Contract offer to Joe Griffith
- Receive NFVEA opening proposal
- Set Public Hearing for FY20 Budget amendment
- Present levy’s proposed for the FY21 Budget
- Set Public Hearing for Budget FY21
- WUE PTO update on Playground
- Consider remodel for Valley Day Care
- Consider quote for new two way radios for school buses and base stations
- Consider requesting bids on Valley roof repair
- Consider Application for Cooperative Swimming
- Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
- Adjourn
Exempt sessions for a strategy meetings with NV+FVEA Certified staff negotiations
Act. I.C. 20.17(3)
TO: NFV School Board members
FROM: Duane WIllhite, Supt.
Date: March 5, 2020
RE: Notes for March 9, 2020 Board Meeting
*NOTE: Board tour of Proposed Day Care Site at 5:45 in the Pre-school building.
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of February 10, 2020 regular meeting, February 17, 24 & March 2, 2020 special meetings
- Review and approve invoices
- Approve Financial Reports
- Approve Contracts and resignations –
- Resignations – Seth Owings, Boys Soccer Coach
- New Hires – Ignacio Fuentes, Head Boys Soccer, Bayley Monroe, paraprofessional at HS
- Volunteer Coach – Zach Massman, Track
- Receive and approve Gifts – West Union Dental
- Communications
- Student Reports
- Principals
- Curriculum Director
- Superintendent
- Legislative Update
- Physical Plant Plan review – I will have updated figures for the 5 year plan
- Public Hearing for 2020-21 Calendar Approval – This is the mandated public hearing for the upcoming school year calendar. The final edit is in the packet. With this plan, I would assume graduation to be on May 28, 2021
- Open public hearing for comments on 2020-21 calendar
- Public remarks
- Close public hearing
- Approve FY21 calendar
- Consider Policy #705.5 Public purpose This is the policy we looked at last month, no changes, the inclusion of use of school vehicles for activity trips outside of regular seasons. I recommend approval
- Consider New Wellness Policy, BP # 507.9 Same policy with three goals for FY21. I recommend approval
- Approve Superintendent Contract offer to Joe Griffith Congratulations on finding a very strong candidate for your next Superintendent. I was impressed with all three candidates.
- Receive NFVEA opening proposal This will kick off the negotiations season for certified staff. Upon receipt of their opening offer, we will then schedule an open session for the Board to submit our response, and then commence the process. Negotiations committee, Please be ready to set a date.
- Set Public Hearing for Amendment of FY20 Budget Mrs. Thoms has forecasted an overage in the SAVE funds expenses, non-instructional programs. As per requirements, we must amend that total after hearing public comments in the public Hearing.
- Present levy’s proposed for the FY21 Budget We will submit the totals that we would suggest the board’s budget for FY21 should be set at for next month’s Budget hearing.
- Set Public Hearing for Budget FY21 We would officially set the FY21 Budget hearing for Monday April 13, 2020, at 6:00 PM in the High school Library.
- WUE PTO update on Playground PTO representatives will be at the meeting to provide another update, construction plans, and quite likely a request for more funds to finish the rubber surface.
- Consider remodel for Valley Day Care Mr. Gearhart has a plan but no bid numbers on this project. The Preschool board is using local contractors who are willing to give some breaks to the costs in the form of Like Kind contributions. I think they would like to go with that model, and get this project ready to go as soon as school is out.
- Consider quote for new two way radios for school buses and base stations Replace radios do to the changes in FCC practices. This will improve communications across the entire district and since it is digital we will need fewer repeaters on the system. I recommend Approval.
- Consider requesting bids on Valley roof repair. I am waiting for some specs on roof repairs at the Valley site. In your packet there are pictures of the weaknesses in the 60 year old steel roof on the original building. My plan would be to repair with a membrane for half of this roof. This area is marked on the big picture, which covers where the leaks are the worst, then complete the rest of the original roof next year. I hope to have an estimate for our consideration on Monday.
- Consider Application for Cooperative Swimming This is an approval to allow our students to continue to participate in swimming with the Decorah High School team. I recommend approval.
- Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
- Adjourn
Exempt sessions for a strategy meetings with NFVEA Certified staff negotiations
Act. I.C. 20.17(3)