September 9, 2019 Agenda

North Fayette Valley Community School District

Monday, September 9, 2019  6:00 p.m.

NFV Middle School Library

23493 Canoe Road, Elgin, IA 52141




  5. Public Forum – Open to public comment on items not on the agenda
  6. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. Minutes of August 12, 2019 – Regular Meeting
    2. Review and approve invoices
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Contracts and resignations – 
      1. Resignations – 
      2. New Hires –  Para Professional – Full time Valley campus: Denise Thompson
      3. Volunteer Coach
    5. Receive and approve Gifts
  7. Communications
    1. Principals’ Reports
    2. Curriculum Director Report 
    3. Superintendent Report 
      1. IASB convention details
      2. Valley Water update
    4. Board Member reports
      1. Leader in Me Book Study – Chapter 7
      2. Appoint IASB Delegate
    1. Second Read revision of: BP #409.9, BP #412.5, #403.9, #403.9-E1, #403.9-E2, #403.9-E3, drop #409.4, #409.4-E1, #409-E2, & #409-E3
    1. Approve Field Trips
    2. Approve hiring staff for VELC (21st Century Learning Center)
    3. Approve request for Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid – Special Ed deficit
    4. Approve PPA with investor
    5. Set Public Hearing for Lease of Easements (Iowa Code sec. 297.22(2)(b))
    6. Discussion – Valley Preschool Day Care options
    7. Discussion – Fayette solar panels
    8. Hall of Fame – committee members
    9. Bus Bids for FY2021
  10. Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  11. Adjourn


TO:        NFV School Board members

FROM:    Duane WIllhite, Supt.

Date:        September 5, 2019

RE:        Notes for September 9, 2019 Board Meeting





  • Consent Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Minutes of August 12, 2019 – Regular Meeting
  • Review and approve invoices
  • Approve Financial Reports
  • Approve Contracts and resignations
  • Resignations – Duane Willhite
  • New Hires –  Denice Thompson, Valley Para


        1. Volunteer Coach – Paul Amundson – band


  • Receive and approve Gifts
  • Communications
  • Principals’ Reports
  • Curriculum Director Report
  • Superintendent Report
  • IASB convention details
  • Valley Water update
  • Board Member reports
  • Leader in Me Book Study – Chapter 7
  • Appoint IASB Delegate
  • Second Read revision of: BP #409.9, BP #412.5, #403.9, #403.9-E1, #403.9-E2, #403.9-E3, drop #409.4, #409.4-E1, #409-E2, & #409-E3  These policies are up for a second read, will be in your packet.
  • Approve Field Trips  – We hope to have all lists of field trips available by Monday.  We’ll see what they bring us, but we have two in hand that needs approval.  Mr. Holthaus is planning his National Convention trip to Indianapolis, 8 students 1 teacher October 28-29.  Then next summer they have their leadership trip for 2 students to Washington D.C. The date is not specified yet, but this is the trip where they join another school and ride down to DC and Back.  I recommend approval of those trips.
  • Approve hiring staff for VELC (21st Century Learning Center)  The 21st Century Learning Center, A.K.A  (VELC), (Valley Elementary Learning Center).  VELC is coming to Valley Elementary.  Before and after school child care, tutoring and activities.   Hours are 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. every day 3:30- to 5:30 M, T, TH, F;  2:30-5:30 W, Staff Orientation: Wednesday, September 11th at 2:45. Parent Orientation: Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 pm @ Valley Campus Library.  Opening Day: Monday, September 16th. We currently have 18 students enrolled with great hopes of adding more friends as we get going. 



The VELC is grant funded but the district is the fiscal agent, so the board must approve the following hires

        1. Alyssa Gearhart- Director
        2. Carrissa Bausch, Associate
        3. Jarrett Johnson, Associate
        4. Susan Wenger, Teacher
        5. Carol Steva, Associate
        6. Shari McElree, AssociateALesha Wettleson, Associate


  • Approve request for Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid – Special Ed deficit  Our Special Ed deficit for 2018-19 is being calculated and Sue will have an  estimated total deficit for the district at the meeting on Monday night. The request will allow us to levy the amount of the deficit for next year.  I recommend approval  Each year
  • Approve PPA with investor  The Power Purchase Agreement with White Solar LLC is ready for approval.  This is the document that lays out the financial agreements and prices of our purchased electricity.  I will email the latest version to you if you want to read it all. I will also enclose a summary by Ron Peeler our attorney working on this at Ahlers Firm.  There is a discussion in that about the easements. The Easements are leases of the ground they put the solar panels on and the access to them. He talks about an old law that had a 5 yr limit for easements and makes it possible for us to enter into this agreement for 25 years.  Since our plan is to buy the panels at fair market rates within the first 5-7 years, the concern over economics of the agreed rates is really a moot point. I would recommend we approve this agreement, then we will move forward with the Easements for the October meeting.
  • Set Public Hearing for Lease of Easements (Iowa Code sec. 297.22(2)(b))  the lease of easements on our property for the access to the panels requires a public hearing. I’d like to schedule that hearing for Monday October 14 (our regular board meeting).  We will have to post a public notice on October 2nd.  
  • Discussion – Valley Preschool Day Care options  Three options drawn up by ISG.  Each of them utilizes the former Supts office into the plan.  The only problem with that is we still need an office for Betsy, and some spot for Carole, although she has said she could work at the bus barn.  The estimated costs are at the bottom. Option 1 does not include adding onto the building. I think the notion is that for that money Pre-School could build something like the YFL building.
  • Discussion – Fayette solar panels Julie and I attended a Fayette city council meeting last month at their request.   They had a few citizens upset about our installation in a neighborhood that was an eyesore, in their view.  They had questions about how big it was going to be and whether we would someday make it larger, why not on the roof?  I answered the best that I could, including an offer to beautify the area a bit with a windscreen on the fence and perhaps some shrubs or flowers in front of the fence.  We have had a request by Louise Scott to speak to the board on this issue.
  • Hall of Fame – committee members  Our charge last month was to talk to folks who may be interested in serving on a Hall of Fame committee.  We need to see what the citizens think of participating in this effort and if they would volunteer to serve.  Our Administrators can recruit people also, but it would be good to have this effort be supported by a larger range of patrons.
  • New bus bids – Since new buses ordered after October 1 will probably be $10,000 or so higher due to seat belts, Kevin would like to get a couple busses this year instead of next.  We will have quotes coming from manufacturers on Monday.
  • Board Discussion for Possible agenda items
  • Adjourn