Announcements & Updates


Please follow these general steps to help keep our schools healthy throughout the year:


  • Stay home when sick.
  • Individuals should remain home until symptoms are improved.
  • Individuals must be free from fever, diarrhea, or vomiting for 24 hours.
  • Notify the school nurse with significant health needs or concerns.

COVID-19 is no longer an emergent public health threat, especially as we find its health impacts resembling other viral respiratory illnesses like influenza and RSV.

As of March 1st, the CDC released a statement that when sick with a respiratory virus, to stay home and away from others. For those diagnosed with COVID and influenza, there is treatment available that can lessen symptoms and lower severity and it is still important to see your doctor if your symptoms are severe.

Overall, it is recommended to:

  • return to normal activities when symptoms are improving and,
  • if a fever was present, it has been gone without the use of medication for a minimum of 24 hours. A true fever is approximately 100.4ºF.

After resuming normal activities, over the next 5 days it is encouraged to actively decrease disease spread by:

  • avidly practice hygiene habits,
  • keep rooms well ventilated, and
  • keep distance from others.

Please let your building nurse know if you have any questions!