December 19, 2022 Work Session Minutes
Posted: December 20, 2022 at 1:34 PM in 2022 School Board Minutes
Minutes, Work Session of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, December 19, 2022, in the NFV HS PAC, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA 52175
NFV Board of Education: Julie Ahrens (by phone), Amanda Rodgers, Eileen
Schlawin, Stacy Cummings, Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, & Richard Klosterman
Others: Superintendent: Joe Griffith, Business Manager: Sue
Thoms; Superintendent Secretary: Susan Winter; Principals: Travis Elliott, Lori Westhoff, Chris Miller; Curriculum Director: Betsy Nefzger; Media: Mike Vansickle; Staff: Angie Boehm, Donna Bausch, Brittinae Nelson, Barb Schroeder, Kelli Lau, Dawn Halverson, Mallory Meyer, Morgan Johnson, Stephanie Vagts, Royale Torkelson, Annette Weber, Kirk Jacobsen, Rachael Strong, Lisa Schneider, Kris Wickham, Holli Cannon, Molly J Holthaus, & Mickey Weidemann; Patrons: Heather Staley, Kate Miller, Faye Miller, Kirstin Lerch, Mala Erickson, Robbie Kerr, Andrea Scott, & Chelsey Durnan.
President Koch called the Work Session of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm and Rich Klosterman led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. … [Read More]